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LDAPAttribute Type

An attribute for the current entry.


This type describes an attribute for the current LDAP entry. The ModOp field is only used in Modify operations.



Attribute type for the current entry.

If the value of AttributeType is an empty string, then Value that contains the corresponding value is part of a set of values, and the attribute type for the set is specified in the previous attribute of the collection with a non-empty AttributeType.


An operation to apply on attributes during an LDAP modify operation.

Possible values include:

amoAdd (0)amoAdd will add the specified value to the given attribute, creating the attribute if it does not already exist.
amoDelete (1)amoDelete will delete the specified value from the given attribute. If all or none of the values are specified for the value, the entire attribute will be deleted; otherwise only the specific value(s) listed will be removed.
amoReplace (2)amoReplace will replace all existing values of the given attribute with the new values specified.


Attribute value for the current entry.

If the value is part of a set of values, the AttributeType that contains the corresponding attribute type is an empty string, and the attribute type for the set is specified in the previous attribute of the collection with a non-empty AttributeType.


Attribute value for the current entry.

If the value is part of a set of values, the AttributeType that contains the corresponding attribute type is an empty string, and the attribute type for the set is specified in the previous attribute of the collection with a non-empty AttributeType.


Public LDAPAttribute()

public LDAPAttribute();

Public LDAPAttribute(ByVal AttributeType As String)

public LDAPAttribute(string attributeType);

Public LDAPAttribute(ByVal AttributeType As String, ByVal Value As String)

public LDAPAttribute(string attributeType, string value);

Public LDAPAttribute(ByVal AttributeType As String, ByVal Value As String, ByVal LDAPAttributeModOp As LDAPAttributeModOps)

public LDAPAttribute(string attributeType, string value, LDAPAttributeModOps LDAPAttributeModOp);

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