AuthorizationCode Property
The authorization code that is exchanged for an access token.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getAuthorizationCode(); public function setAuthorizationCode($value);
Procedural Interface
ipworksauth_oauth_get($res, 4 ); ipworksauth_oauth_set($res, 4, $value );
Default Value
When ClientProfile is set to cfWebServer (WebServer flow) the authorization server will return a code when the user is re-directed from the authorization server back to your website. This code is returned as a query string parameter and the class will automatically populate this property with that value.
Normally this property will only be informational, as the GetAuthorization method will automatically exchange this code for a token with the authorization server specified in ServerTokenURL.
If this property is set before calling GetAuthorization the class will attempt to exchange the code with the authorization server for an access token.
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type