IPWorks Auth 2020 .NET Edition

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JWT Component

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Create, Sign, Encrypt, Verify and Decrypt JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).




The JWT component supports signing, encrypting, decrypting and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).

Specify a set of claims via the Claim* properties or add your own claims with AddClaim. Call Sign to create a signed JWT using a variety of signing algorithms including HMAC, RSA, and ECDSA. Use Verify to verify the signature of any received JWT. See SigningAlgorithm for more details about supported algorithms.

Use Encrypt to create an encrypted JWT using a variety of algorithms including ECDH, RSA, and AES. Use Decrypt to decrypt the payload of any received JWT. See EncryptionAlgorithm for more details about supported algorithms.


The Sign method may be used to sign a payload with a variety of algorithms. Before calling the Sign method set SigningAlgorithm to the algorithm which will be used to sign the message. The result of signing is a compact serialized JWT string. For instance:


The component will use the values present in the Claim* properties to build the encoded JWT. After calling this method the EncodedJWT property will hold the compact serialized JWT. The following properties are applicable when calling this method:

Notes for HMAC Algorithms (HS256, HS384, HS512)

When SigningAlgorithm is set to a HMAC algorithm Key must be set to a key of appropriate length for the algorithm. The Key should be the same number of bits as the algorithm being used. For instance a 256 bit key would be used for HS256.

The key must be known by both parties in order for signing and verification to take place. To use an existing HMAC key provide the bytes to the Key property. For instance:

//HMAC SHA-256 Key
byte[] key = new byte[] { 170, 171, 221, 209, 7, 181, 48, 178, 48, 118, 242, 132, 36, 218, 74, 140, 216, 165, 161, 70, 11, 42, 246, 205, 235, 231, 19, 48, 87, 141, 122, 10 };

//Sign the payload using HS256
Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.SigningAlgorithm = JwtSigningAlgorithms.saHS256;
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";
jwt.KeyB = key;

string signedData = jwt.EncodedJWT;

Notes for RSA Algorithms (RS256, RS384, RS512, PS256, PS384, PS512)

The RSA based algorithms use asymmetric encryption. Signing is done with a private key and verification is done with a public key. The private key may be in PFX or PEM format.

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.SigningAlgorithm = JwtSigningAlgorithms.saRS256;
jwt.Certificate = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPFXFile, "..\\jwt.pfx", "test", "*");
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";

string signedMessage = jwt.EncodedJWT;

Notes for ECDSA Algorithms (ES256, ES384, ES512)

ECDSA algorithms require a valid ECC private key to sign. The ECC component can be used to create or import an ECC key into the Certificate format accepted by the JWS component.

//Create an ECC key with SHA-256
nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.Ecc ecc = new nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.Ecc();
ecc.HashAlgorithm = nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.EccHashAlgorithms.ehaSHA256;

string privKey = ecc.Key.PrivateKey;

//Sign the payload using ES256
Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.SigningAlgorithm = JwtSigningAlgorithms.saES256;
jwt.Certificate = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPEMKeyBlob, privKey, "", "*");
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";

string signedMessage = jwt.EncodedJWT;

To use an existing ECC Key populate the Rx, Ry, and K values of Key property in the ECC component first. For instance:

//Import an existing ECC private key
nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.Ecc ecc = new nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.Ecc();

byte[] x_bytes = new byte[] { 171, 170, 196, 151, 94, 196, 231, 12, 128, 232, 17, 61, 45, 105, 41, 209, 192, 187, 112, 242, 110, 178, 95, 240, 36, 55, 83, 171, 190, 176, 78, 13 };
byte[] y_bytes = new byte[] { 197, 75, 134, 245, 245, 28, 199, 9, 7, 117, 1, 54, 49, 178, 135, 252, 62, 89, 35, 180, 117, 80, 231, 23, 110, 250, 28, 124, 219, 253, 224, 156 };
byte[] k_bytes = new byte[] { 81, 65, 201, 24, 235, 249, 162, 148, 169, 150, 109, 181, 61, 238, 145, 122, 31, 30, 151, 94, 239, 90, 222, 217, 63, 103, 54, 2, 176, 232, 248, 168 };

ecc.Key.RxB = x_bytes;
ecc.Key.RyB = y_bytes;
ecc.Key.KB = k_bytes;

string privKey = ecc.Key.PrivateKey;

//Sign the payload using ES256
Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.SigningAlgorithm = JwtSigningAlgorithms.saES256;
jwt.Certificate = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPEMKeyBlob, privKey, "", "*");
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";

string signedMessage = jwt.EncodedJWT;

Notes for Unsecured (none)

To create a JWS token without any security set SigningAlgorithm to jwtNone.

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.SigningAlgorithm = JwtSigningAlgorithms.saNone;
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";

string unsecuredMessage = jwt.EncodedJWT;

Signature Verification

The Verify method may be used to verify a received JWS message. Before calling the Verify method set EncodedJWT to a valid compact serialized JWT. For instance:


Key or SignerCert should be set to the HMAC key or public certificate respectively. If the correct Key or SignerCert is not known ahead of time the KeyId parameter of the SignerInfo event may be used to identify the correct key.

If this method returns without error verification was successful. If verification fails then this method throws an exception. After calling this method the claims will be parsed and the Claim* properties will be populated. The the HeaderParams property will contain the headers. Headers of the parsed message are also available through the HeaderParam event.

The following properties are applicable when calling this method:

After calling this method the following properties are populated:

Notes for HMAC Algorithms (HS256, HS384, HS512)

When verifying a message originally signed with a HMAC algorithm Key must be set to the same key used during signing. The key must be known by both parties in order for signing and verification to take place.

byte[] key = new byte[] { 170, 171, 221, 209, 7, 181, 48, 178, 48, 118, 242, 132, 36, 218, 74, 140, 216, 165, 161, 70, 11, 42, 246, 205, 235, 231, 19, 48, 87, 141, 122, 10 };

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.KeyB = key;
jwt.EncodedJWT = signedData;

string issuer = jwt.ClaimIssuer;

Notes for RSA Algorithms (RS256, RS384, RS512, PS256, PS384, PS512)

The RSA based algorithms use asymmetric encryption. Signing is done with a private key and verification is done with a public key. The public key is typically in PEM format.

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.SignerCert = new Certificate("..\\jwt.cer"); 
jwt.EncodedJWT = signedData;

string issuer = jwt.ClaimIssuer;

Notes for ECDSA Algorithms (ES256, ES384, ES512)

ECDSA algorithms require a valid ECC public key to verify the message. If the key was originally created with the ECC component the PEM encoded PublicKey may be used directly with the Certificate property. An example PEM encoded public certificate created by the ECC component:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.SignerCert = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPublicKeyFile, pubKey, "", "*");
jwt.EncodedJWT = signedData;

string issuer = jwt.ClaimIssuer;

To use an ECC public key created by other means the ECC component may be used to import the key parameters. Populate the Rx and Ry of the ECC component first to obtain the PEM formatted public key. For instance:

//Import an existing ECC public key
nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.Ecc ecc = new nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.Ecc();

byte[] x_bytes = new byte[] { 171, 170, 196, 151, 94, 196, 231, 12, 128, 232, 17, 61, 45, 105, 41, 209, 192, 187, 112, 242, 110, 178, 95, 240, 36, 55, 83, 171, 190, 176, 78, 13 };
byte[] y_bytes = new byte[] { 197, 75, 134, 245, 245, 28, 199, 9, 7, 117, 1, 54, 49, 178, 135, 252, 62, 89, 35, 180, 117, 80, 231, 23, 110, 250, 28, 124, 219, 253, 224, 156 };

ecc.Key.RxB = x_bytes;
ecc.Key.RyB = y_bytes;

string pubKey = ecc.Key.PublicKey;

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.SignerCert = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPublicKeyFile, pubKey, "", "*");
jwt.EncodedJWT = signedData;

string issuer = jwt.ClaimIssuer;

Notes for Unsecured (none)

To parse a JWS token without any security call the Sign method without setting Key or Certificate.

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.EncodedJWT = signedData;

string issuer = jwt.ClaimIssuer;


The Encrypt method may be used to encrypt a payload with a variety of algorithms. To create an encrypted JWT JSON Web Encryption (JWE) is performed by first generating a random key used to encrypt the content. The content encryption key is used to encrypt the content using the algorithm specified by ContentEncryptionAlgorithm. The content encryption key is then encrypted itself using the algorithm specified by EncryptionAlgorithm. The content encryption key is not directly exposed in the API as it is randomly generated.

After calling this method the compact serialized JWT is written to EncodedJWT. For instance:


The component will use the values present in the Claim* properties to build the encoded JWT. After calling this method the EncodedJWT property will hold the compact serialized JWT. The following properties are applicable when calling this method:

Notes for AES Algorithms (A128KW, A192KW, A256KW, A128GCMKW, A192GCMKW, A256GCMKW)

When EncryptionAlgorithm is set to a AES algorithm Key must be set to a key of appropriate length for the algorithm. For instance a 256 bit key would be used for A256KW.

To use an existing AES key provide the bytes to the Key property. For instance:

byte[] key = new byte[] { 164, 60, 194, 0, 161, 189, 41, 38, 130, 89, 141, 164, 45, 170, 159, 209, 69, 137, 243, 216, 191, 131, 47, 250, 32, 107, 231, 117, 37, 158, 225, 234 };

//Encrypt the payload using A256KW
Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.KeyB = key;
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";
jwt.EncryptionAlgorithm = JwtEncryptionAlgorithms.eaA256KW;

string encryptedData = jwt.EncodedJWT;

Notes for RSA Algorithms (RSA1_5, RSA-OEAP, RSA-OAEP-256)

The RSA based algorithms use asymmetric encryption. Encrypting is done with a public key and decryption is done with a private key. The public certificate should be in PEM (base64) format. For instance:

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.Certificate = new Certificate("..\\recipient.cer");
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";
jwt.EncryptionAlgorithm = JwtEncryptionAlgorithms.eaRSA_OAEP;

string encryptedData = jwt.EncodedJWT;

Notes for ECDH Algorithms (ECDH-ES, ECDH-ES+A128KW, ECDH-ES+A192KW, ECDH-ES+A256KW)

ECDH algorithms require a valid ECC public key to encrypt the message. If the key was originally created with the ECC component the PEM encoded PublicKey may be used directly with the Certificate property. An example PEM encoded public certificate created by the ECC component:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.Certificate = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPublicKeyFile, pubKeyFile, "", "*");
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";
jwt.EncryptionAlgorithm = JwtEncryptionAlgorithms.eaECDH_ES_A256KW;

string encryptedData = jwt.EncodedJWT;

To use an ECC public key created by other means the ECC component may be used to import the key parameters. Populate the Rx and Ry properties of the ECC component first to obtain the PEM formatted public key. For instance:

byte[] x_bytes = new byte[] { 171, 170, 196, 151, 94, 196, 231, 12, 128, 232, 17, 61, 45, 105, 41, 209, 192, 187, 112, 242, 110, 178, 95, 240, 36, 55, 83, 171, 190, 176, 78, 13 };
byte[] y_bytes = new byte[] { 197, 75, 134, 245, 245, 28, 199, 9, 7, 117, 1, 54, 49, 178, 135, 252, 62, 89, 35, 180, 117, 80, 231, 23, 110, 250, 28, 124, 219, 253, 224, 156 };

nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.Ecc ecc = new nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.Ecc();
ecc.Key.RxB = x_bytes;
ecc.Key.RyB = y_bytes;

string pubKey = ecc.Key.PublicKey;

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.Certificate = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPublicKeyFile, pubKey, "", "*");
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";
jwt.EncryptionAlgorithm = JwtEncryptionAlgorithms.eaECDH_ES_A256KW;

string encryptedData = jwt.EncodedJWT;

Notes for PBES Algorithms (PBES2-HS256+A128KW, PBES2-HS384+A192KW, PBES2-HS512+A256KW

PBES algorithms derive a content encryption key from the KeyPassword property. Set KeyPassword to a shared secret.

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.KeyPassword = "secret";
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";
jwt.EncryptionAlgorithm = JwtEncryptionAlgorithms.eaPBES2_HS512_A256KW;

string encryptedData = jwt.EncodedJWT;

Notes for Direct Shared Keys

When EncryptionAlgorithm is set to Direct the Key property must be set to a valid symmetric key that will be used directly by the ContentEncryptionAlgorithm. In this case a content encryption key is not generated randomly, the Key is used instead. The length of the specified Key must be valid for the selected ContentEncryptionAlgorithm. For instance:

byte[] key = new byte[] { 164, 62, 191, 60, 161, 189, 41, 38, 130, 89, 141, 164, 45, 170, 159, 209, 69, 137, 243, 216, 191, 131, 47, 250, 32, 107, 231, 117, 37, 158, 225, 234 };

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.EncryptionAlgorithm = JwtEncryptionAlgorithms.eaDir;
jwt.ContentEncryptionAlgorithm = JwtContentEncryptionAlgorithms.ceaA256GCM;
jwt.KeyB = key;
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";

string encryptedData = jwt.EncodedJWT;


The Decrypt method may be used to decrypt a received JWE message. Before calling the Decrypt method set EncodedJWT to a valid compact serialized JWT string. For instance:


The type and format of the private key depends on the algorithm used to encrypt the data. The following table summarizes the relationship:

AlgorithmPrivate Key Location
RSA and ECDHCertificate

If the correct Key or Certificate is not known ahead of time the KeyId parameter of the RecipientInfo event may be used to identify the correct key.

If this method returns without error decryption was successful. If decryption fails then this method throws an exception. After calling this method the payload will be present in the Claim* properties and the HeaderParams property will contain the headers. Headers of the parsed message are also available through the HeaderParam event.

The following properties are applicable when calling this method:

After calling this method the following properties are populated:

Notes for AES Algorithms (A128KW, A192KW, A256KW, A128GCMKW, A192GCMKW, A256GCMKW)

To decrypt messages that use AES encryption Key must be set to a key of appropriate length for the algorithm. For instance a 256 bit key would be used for A256KW.

The key must be known by both parties in order for encryption and decryption to take place.

byte[] key = new byte[] { 164, 60, 194, 0, 161, 189, 41, 38, 130, 89, 141, 164, 45, 170, 159, 209, 69, 137, 243, 216, 191, 131, 47, 250, 32, 107, 231, 117, 37, 158, 225, 234 };

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.KeyB = key;
jwt.EncodedJWT = encryptedData;

string issuer = jwt.ClaimIssuer;

Notes for RSA Algorithms (RSA1_5, RSA-OEAP, RSA-OAEP-256)

The RSA based algorithms use asymmetric encryption. Encrypting is done with a public key and decryption is done with a private key. The certificate with private key must be specified. For instance:

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.Certificate = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPFXFile, "..\\jwt.pfx", "password", "*");
jwt.EncodedJWT = encryptedData;

string issuer = jwt.ClaimIssuer;

Notes for ECDH Algorithms (ECDH-ES, ECDH-ES+A128KW, ECDH-ES+A192KW, ECDH-ES+A256KW)

ECDH algorithms require a valid ECC private key to decrypt the message. If the key was originally created with the ECC component the PEM encoded PrivateKey may be used directly with the Certificate property.

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.Certificate = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPEMKeyFile, privKeyFile, "", "*");
jwt.EncodedJWT = encryptedData;

string issuer = jwt.ClaimIssuer;

To use an ECC private key created by other means the ECC component may be used to import the key parameters. Populate the Rx, Ry, and KB properties of the ECC component first to obtain the PEM formatted public key. For instance:

nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.Ecc ecc = new nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.Ecc();

byte[] x_bytes = new byte[] { 171, 170, 196, 151, 94, 196, 231, 12, 128, 232, 17, 61, 45, 105, 41, 209, 192, 187, 112, 242, 110, 178, 95, 240, 36, 55, 83, 171, 190, 176, 78, 13 };
byte[] y_bytes = new byte[] { 197, 75, 134, 245, 245, 28, 199, 9, 7, 117, 1, 54, 49, 178, 135, 252, 62, 89, 35, 180, 117, 80, 231, 23, 110, 250, 28, 124, 219, 253, 224, 156 };
byte[] k_bytes = new byte[] { 81, 65, 201, 24, 235, 249, 162, 148, 169, 150, 109, 181, 61, 238, 145, 122, 31, 30, 151, 94, 239, 90, 222, 217, 63, 103, 54, 2, 176, 232, 248, 168 };

ecc.Key.RxB = x_bytes;
ecc.Key.RyB = y_bytes;
ecc.Key.KB = k_bytes;

string privKey = ecc.Key.PrivateKey;

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.Certificate = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPEMKeyBlob, privKey, "", "*");
jwt.EncodedJWT = encryptedData;

string issuer = jwt.ClaimIssuer;

Notes for PBES Algorithms (PBES2-HS256+A128KW, PBES2-HS384+A192KW, PBES2-HS512+A256KW

PBES algorithms derive a content encryption key from the KeyPassword property. Set KeyPassword to the shared secret.

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.KeyPassword = "secret";
jwt.EncodedJWT = encryptedData;

string issuer = jwt.ClaimIssuer;

Notes for Direct Shared Keys

When Direct encryption is used the Key property must be set to a valid symmetric key that will be used directly by the ContentEncryptionAlgorithm. For instance:

byte[] key = new byte[] { 164, 60, 194, 0, 161, 189, 41, 38, 130, 89, 141, 164, 45, 170, 159, 209, 69, 137, 243, 216, 191, 131, 47, 250, 32, 107, 231, 117, 37, 158, 225, 234 };

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.KeyB = key;
jwt.EncodedJWT = encryptedData;

string issuer = jwt.ClaimIssuer;

Other Functionality

In addition to standard operations the component also supports a variety of other features including:

  • Adding custom header parameters with AddHeaderParam
  • Enforcing algorithm restrictions when verifying by setting StrictValidation
  • Inspect the JWT without verifying or decrypting by calling Parse

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

CertificateThe certificate used for signing or decrypting.
ClaimAudienceThe audience claim.
ClaimExpThe expiration time claim.
ClaimIssuedAtThe claim indicating the time at which the JWT was issued.
ClaimIssuerThe issuer of the JWT.
ClaimJWTIdThe unique identifier for the JWT.
ClaimNotBeforeThe claim identifying the time before which the JWT is invalid.
ClaimsThe claims in the JWT.
ClaimSubjectThe subject identifies the principal of the JWT.
ContentEncryptionAlgorithmThe algorithm used to encrypt the content.
EncodedJWTThe encoded JWT.
EncryptionAlgorithmThe key encryption algorithm.
HeaderParamsThe JOSE header parameters.
KeyThe key used for HMAC and AES.
KeyIdThe Id of the key used to sign or encrypt the message.
KeyPasswordThe key password used in the PBES algorithm.
RecipientCertThe certificate used for encryption.
SignerCertThe certificate used for signature verification.
SigningAlgorithmThe algorithm used when signing.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AddClaimAdds an new claim.
AddHeaderParamAdds additional header parameters.
ConfigSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
DecryptDecrypts the encoded JWT.
EncryptEncrypts the claims with the specified algorithms.
ParseParses the encoded JWT.
ResetResets the component properties.
SignSigns the payload with the specified algorithm.
VerifyVerifies the signature of the encoded JWT.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ClaimInfoFires once for each claim.
ErrorInformation about errors during data delivery.
HeaderParamFires once for each JOSE header parameter.
RecipientInfoFired with information about the recipient key of the encrypted message.
SignerInfoFires with information about the signature.

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AllowedSigningAlgorithmsAllowed signing algorithms when StrictValidation is set to True.
AudienceDelimiterDefines the character to separate audience values.
CompressionAlgorithmThe compression algorithm to use.
IncludeCertificateFormatThe certificate values to include in the signed message (if any).
InputMessageThe raw input to process.
IsEncryptedIndicates whether the EncodedJWT is encrypted.
IsSignedIndicates whether the EncodedJWT is signed.
IssuerCertsA collection of issuer certificates used with IncludeCertificateFormat.
KeyEncodingThe encoding of the Key value.
OutputMessageThe raw output of the operation.
PartyUInfoInformation about the producer of the message.
PartyVInfoInformation about the recipient of the message.
PBES2CountThe PBKDF2 iteration count.
PBES2SaltLengthThe salt input value length.
RawHeaderHolds the raw JOSE header.
StrictValidationRequires specific algorithms when processing.
BuildInfoInformation about the product's build.
GUIAvailableTells the component whether or not a message loop is available for processing events.
LicenseInfoInformation about the current license.
UseInternalSecurityAPITells the component whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
IPWorks Auth 2020 .NET Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8155]