Sign Method

Signs the payload with the specified algorithm.


int Sign();


This method signs the claims specified by the Claim* properties with the specified SigningAlgorithm.

Before calling the Sign method set SigningAlgorithm to the algorithm which will be used to sign the message. The result of signing is a compact serialized JWT string. For instance:


The class will use the values present in the Claim* properties to build the encoded JWT. After calling this method the EncodedJWT property will hold the compact serialized JWT. The following properties are applicable when calling this method:

Notes for HMAC Algorithms (HS256, HS384, HS512)

When SigningAlgorithm is set to a HMAC algorithm Key must be set to a key of appropriate length for the algorithm. The Key should be the same number of bits as the algorithm being used. For instance a 256 bit key would be used for HS256.

The key must be known by both parties in order for signing and verification to take place. To use an existing HMAC key provide the bytes to the Key property. For instance:

//HMAC SHA-256 Key
byte[] key = new byte[] { 170, 171, 221, 209, 7, 181, 48, 178, 48, 118, 242, 132, 36, 218, 74, 140, 216, 165, 161, 70, 11, 42, 246, 205, 235, 231, 19, 48, 87, 141, 122, 10 };

//Sign the payload using HS256
Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.SigningAlgorithm = JwtSigningAlgorithms.saHS256;
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";
jwt.KeyB = key;

string signedData = jwt.EncodedJWT;

Notes for RSA Algorithms (RS256, RS384, RS512, PS256, PS384, PS512)

The RSA based algorithms use asymmetric encryption. Signing is done with a private key and verification is done with a public key. The private key may be in PFX or PEM format.

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.SigningAlgorithm = JwtSigningAlgorithms.saRS256;
jwt.Certificate = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPFXFile, "..\\jwt.pfx", "test", "*");
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";

string signedMessage = jwt.EncodedJWT;

Notes for ECDSA Algorithms (ES256, ES384, ES512)

ECDSA algorithms require a valid ECC private key to sign. The ECC class can be used to create or import an ECC key into the Certificate format accepted by the JWS class.

//Create an ECC key with SHA-256
nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.Ecc ecc = new nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.Ecc();
ecc.HashAlgorithm = nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.EccHashAlgorithms.ehaSHA256;

string privKey = ecc.Key.PrivateKey;

//Sign the payload using ES256
Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.SigningAlgorithm = JwtSigningAlgorithms.saES256;
jwt.Certificate = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPEMKeyBlob, privKey, "", "*");
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";

string signedMessage = jwt.EncodedJWT;

To use an existing ECC Key populate the Rx, Ry, and K values of Key property in the ECC class first. For instance:

//Import an existing ECC private key
nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.Ecc ecc = new nsoftware.IPWorksEncrypt.Ecc();

byte[] x_bytes = new byte[] { 171, 170, 196, 151, 94, 196, 231, 12, 128, 232, 17, 61, 45, 105, 41, 209, 192, 187, 112, 242, 110, 178, 95, 240, 36, 55, 83, 171, 190, 176, 78, 13 };
byte[] y_bytes = new byte[] { 197, 75, 134, 245, 245, 28, 199, 9, 7, 117, 1, 54, 49, 178, 135, 252, 62, 89, 35, 180, 117, 80, 231, 23, 110, 250, 28, 124, 219, 253, 224, 156 };
byte[] k_bytes = new byte[] { 81, 65, 201, 24, 235, 249, 162, 148, 169, 150, 109, 181, 61, 238, 145, 122, 31, 30, 151, 94, 239, 90, 222, 217, 63, 103, 54, 2, 176, 232, 248, 168 };

ecc.Key.RxB = x_bytes;
ecc.Key.RyB = y_bytes;
ecc.Key.KB = k_bytes;

string privKey = ecc.Key.PrivateKey;

//Sign the payload using ES256
Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.SigningAlgorithm = JwtSigningAlgorithms.saES256;
jwt.Certificate = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPEMKeyBlob, privKey, "", "*");
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";

string signedMessage = jwt.EncodedJWT;

Notes for Unsecured (none)

To create a JWS token without any security set SigningAlgorithm to jwtNone.

Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.SigningAlgorithm = JwtSigningAlgorithms.saNone;
jwt.ClaimAudience = "audience";
jwt.ClaimIssuer = "issuer";
jwt.ClaimExp = "1498508071";

string unsecuredMessage = jwt.EncodedJWT;

Error Handling

This method returns a result code; 0 indicates success, while a non-zero error code indicates that this method encountered an error during its execution. If an error occurs, the GetLastError() method can be called to retrieve the associated error message. (Note: This method's result code can also be obtained by calling the GetLastErrorCode() method after it returns.)

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IPWorks Auth 2020 Qt Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8155]