IPWorks Cloud 2020 iOS Edition

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onAppKeyList (event)

Fires once for each application key returned when listing application keys.


- (void)onAppKeyList:(NSString*)keyId :(NSString*)keyName :(NSString*)capabilities :(NSString*)allowedBucketId :(NSString*)allowedPrefix :(long long)expirationTime;
func onAppKeyList(_ keyId: String, _ keyName: String, _ capabilities: String, _ allowedBucketId: String, _ allowedPrefix: String, _ expirationTime: Int64)


This event fires once for each application key returned when ListAppKeys is called.

KeyId reflects the unique Id of the application key.

KeyName reflects the name that was given to the application key when it was created.

Capabilities reflects the capabilities that the application key has. It is formatted as a comma-separated list of one or more of the following:

Capability String Related Methods
deleteBuckets DeleteBucket
deleteFiles DeleteFile, DeleteFileVersion
deleteKeys DeleteAppKey
listBuckets GetBucketInfo, ListBuckets
listFiles DeleteFile, ListFiles, ListFileVersions, ListMultipartUploads
listKeys ListAppKeys
readFiles CopyFile, CopyPart, DownloadFile, DownloadFileById, GetFileInfo
shareFiles GetDownloadAuthToken
writeBuckets CreateBucket, UpdateBucket
writeFiles AbortMultipartUpload, CompleteMultipartUpload, CopyFile, CopyPart, HideFile, ListParts, StartMultipartUpload, UploadFile, UploadPart
writeKeys CreateAppKey

AllowedBucketId reflects the Id of the bucket that the application key is restricted to. It will be empty if the application key is not restricted to any specific bucket.

AllowedPrefix reflects the file name prefix that the application key is restricted to. It will be empty if the application key is not restricted to a specific file name prefix.

ExpirationTime reflects the expiration time of the application key, in milliseconds relative to the Unix epoch. It will be -1 if the application key does not expire.

Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
IPWorks Cloud 2020 iOS Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8265]