IPWorks Cloud 2020 iOS Edition

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accountAuthMechanism (property)

The HTTP authentication scheme to use (for storage service providers that support multiple).


@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=accountAuthMechanism,setter=setAccountAuthMechanism:) int accountAuthMechanism;
- (int)accountAuthMechanism;
- (void)setAccountAuthMechanism:(int)newAccountAuthMechanism;

/* Possible Values */
public var accountAuthMechanism: CloudstorageAccountAuthMechanisms {
  get {...}
set {...} }
public enum CloudstorageAccountAuthMechanisms : Int32 { case camNone = 0 case camSimple = 1 case camBasic = 2 case camNTLM = 3 case camNegotiate = 4 case camOAuth = 5 }

Default Value



The HTTP authentication scheme to use (for storage service providers that support multiple).

For storage service providers that support more than one HTTP authentication scheme, this property specifies which should be used. This property is only relevant for the following storage service providers:

  • spHadoopDFS (10)
(For all other storage service providers, the class determines the correct authentication scheme automatically).


Possible values for this property are:

camNone (0) (default) No authentication is performed.
camSimple (1) Hadoop pseudo/simple authentication is performed.
camBasic (2) Basic authentication is performed.
camNTLM (3) NTLM authentication is performed.
camNegotiate (4) Negotiate authentication is performed.
camOAuth (5) OAuth authentication is performed.

When set to camSimple (1), the value of the AccountUser property is automatically sent in every request using the user.name query parameter. (Note: This authentication scheme is only valid for the spHadoopDFS (10) storage service provider.)

When set to camBasic (2), camNTLM (3), or camNegotiate (4), the values held by the AccountUser and AccountPassword properties will be used to perform Basic, NTLM, or Negotiate authentication.

When set to camOAuth (5), the value of the Authorization property is automatically sent in every request using the Authorization HTTP header.

Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
IPWorks Cloud 2020 iOS Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8265]