IPWorks Cloud 2020 iOS Edition

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authMechanism (property)

The authentication mechanism to use when connecting to the server.


@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=authMechanism,setter=setAuthMechanism:) int authMechanism;
- (int)authMechanism;
- (void)setAuthMechanism:(int)newAuthMechanism;

/* Possible Values */
public var authMechanism: HadoopdfsAuthMechanisms {
  get {...}
set {...} }
public enum HadoopdfsAuthMechanisms : Int32 { case amNone = 0 case amSimple = 1 case amBasic = 2 case amNTLM = 3 case amNegotiate = 4 case amOAuth = 5 }

Default Value



This property controls what authentication mechanism the class should use when connecting to the server.

Possible values are:

0 (amNone - default) No authentication is performed.
1 (amSimple) Hadoop pseudo/simple authentication is performed.
2 (amBasic) Basic authentication is performed.
3 (amNTLM) NTLM authentication is performed.
4 (amNegotiate) Negotiate authentication is performed.
5 (amOAuth) OAuth authentication is performed.

When set to 1 (amSimple), the value of the User property is automatically sent in every request using the user.name query parameter.

When set to 2 (amBasic), 3 (amNTLM), or 4 (amNegotiate), the values held by the User and Password properties will be used to perform Basic, NTLM, or Negotiate (e.g., Kerberos SPNEGO) authentication.

When set to 5 (amOAuth), the value of the Authorization property is automatically sent in every request using the Authorization HTTP header.

Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
IPWorks Cloud 2020 iOS Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8265]