IPWorks Cloud 2020 iOS Edition

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drive (property)

Selects a drive.


@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=drive,setter=setDrive:) NSString* drive;
- (NSString*)drive;
- (void)setDrive:(NSString*)newDrive;
public var drive: String {
  get {...}
set {...} }

Default Value



This property can be set to the Id of a specific drive to select it for use.

When this property is empty (default), the class uses the following logic to determine which drive to select:

  1. If the GroupId and SiteId configuration settings are both empty (also default), the current user's default drive is used.
  2. Otherwise, if the GroupId configuration setting is populated, that group's default drive is used.
  3. Otherwise, if the SiteId configuration setting is populated, that site's default drive is used.

Note: For use-cases that only make use of the current user's default drive (e.g., when authenticated with a personal Microsoft account), there is no need to ever call ListDrives, set the Drive property, or use any of the class's other drive-related API members. By default, the Drive property and the GroupId and SiteId configuration settings are all empty, which causes the class to use the current user's default drive.

Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
IPWorks Cloud 2020 iOS Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8265]