IPWorks Cloud 2020 Python Edition

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list_resources Method

Lists files and folders.


def list_resources() -> None: ...


This method is used to list file and folders. Calling this method will fire the on_resource_list event once for each resource, and will also populate the Resource* properties.

If there are still more resources available to list when this method returns, the resource_marker property will be populated. Continue to call this method until resource_marker is empty to accumulate all pages of results in the Resource* properties.

Listing Resources

By default, all files and folders in the scope specified by the list_resources_scope property will be returned. The ListResourcesMode configuration setting can be used to specify that only files or only folders should be returned. Refer to the "Result Scopes" section, below, for more information about what the results for each scope are comprised of.

To simply list the children or parents of specific resources, use list_children or list_parents. To retrieve information about specific resources, use get_resource_info.

For more complex queries, refer to the Google Drive API documentation for information on how to construct a search query, then use the add_query_param method to add a query parameter named "q" to the QueryParam* properties before calling this method.

Result Scopes

There are a number of different search scopes which the results of this method can be drawn from, some of which are exclusive to shared drives.

When list_resources is called with list_resources_scope set to the default of lrsUser (0), the results will consist of items that are in the current user's "My Drive" and "Shared with me" spaces.

If list_resources_scope is set to lrsDomain (1), the results will instead consist of items which have been shared to the current user's domain, whether or not the user has actually accessed them.

(To clarify, items shared to a user's domain are only added to their "Shared with me" space once the user accesses them for the first time. So, items shared to a user's domain that they have not actually accessed before would not show up when list_resources_scope is set to lrsUser (0), but would show up when it is set to lrsDomain (1).)

When list_resources_scope is set to lrsSharedDrive (2), the shared_drive property must be set to the resource Id of a shared drive, and the results of this method will consist only of items within that shared drive.

When list_resources_scope is set to lrsAllDrives (3), the results will consist of anything in the user's "My Drive" and "Shared with me" spaces, and all items in all shared drives which the user is a member of.

Note: Under some circumstances, if a user is a member of many shared drives, using the lrsAllDrives (3) will not yield a complete set of results (even with paged results). This is a direct limitation of the Google Drive API, and the only solution is to use a narrower scope. When using the lrsAllDrives (3) scope, you should check the SearchIncomplete configuration setting after calling list_resources; it will return "True" if the result set is incomplete.

How Shared Drives Work

Shared drives are, more than anything else, very similar to a normal user account. Once this is understood, it becomes much easier to understand how shared drives fit into the overall Google Drive architecture.

Just like a real user, a shared drive itself owns the files in its storage space (this is why the permissions for members of a shared drive use the "file organizer" and "organizer" roles instead of the "owner" role). Also like a real user, a shared drive's files can be explicitly shared with other users (even if they aren't members of the shared drive), and with the overall domain.

The difference, of course, is that a shared drive has a defined set of members, all of which have access to everything in the shared drive (though with varying capabilities). Refer to update_permissions, add_shared_drive_member, update_shared_drive_member, and remove_shared_drive_member for more information.

// ResourceList event handler.
googledrive.OnResourceList += (s, e) => {

// List all of the current user's resources.
googledrive.ListResourcesScope = GoogledriveListResourcesScopes.lrsUser;
do {

  for (int i = 0; i < googledrive.Resources.Count; i++) {
    // Process resources here.
} while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(googledrive.ResourceMarker));

// List all of the resources in the specified shared drive.
googledrive.SharedDrive = "wfsr789vusijfv";
googledrive.ListResourcesScope = GoogledriveListResourcesScopes.lrsSharedDrive;
do {

  for (int i = 0; i < googledrive.Resources.Count; i++) {
    // Process resources here.
} while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(googledrive.ResourceMarker));

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IPWorks Cloud 2020 Python Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8265]