BlobDelimiter Property

The delimiter string to use when listing blobs.


QString GetBlobDelimiter();
int SetBlobDelimiter(QString qsBlobDelimiter);

Default Value



If this property is non-empty when ListBlobs is called, any blobs whose names contain the same string between the specified Prefix and the first occurrence of the specified delimiter that follow will be rolled up into a "common prefix" element, which is returned in place of the individual blobs themselves.

The PrefixList event will fire once for each common prefix returned. If the StorePrefixList configuration setting is enabled, the class will also populate the PrefixCount and Prefix[i] configuration settings

Blob Namespace Traversal

By using the BlobDelimiter and Prefix properties in tandem, applications can effectively "traverse" a virtual hierarchy of blobs as if it were a filesystem. For example, assume that blobs with the following names exist within a container:

  • MyCompany
  • MyCompany/Department1
  • MyCompany/Department2
  • MyCompany/Department2/EmployeeA
  • MyCompany/Department2/EmployeeB

With BlobDelimiter set to /, we can set Prefix to successively "deeper" values before calling ListBlobs for the following effect:

Prefix Value Blobs Returned Prefixes Returned
(empty) MyCompany MyCompany/
MyCompany/ MyCompany/Department1
MyCompany/Department2/ MyCompany/Department2/EmployeeA

This property is not available at design time.

Data Type


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IPWorks Cloud 2020 Qt Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8265]