KeyMgr Bean
Properties Methods Events Configuration Settings Errors
The KeyMgr component is used to create and manage OpenPGP keys.
The KeyMgr component can be used to perform a variety of key-related actions. You can create, delete, import, export, and manage keys. Both individual keys and keyrings can be created and used.
Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Key | The currently selected key. |
Keyring | The location on disk of the keyring. |
Method List
The following is the full list of the methods of the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
addRevoker | Adds a designated revoker to the key. |
addUserId | Adds the specified user Id to the current key. |
changeExpirationDate | Changes the expiration date of the key. |
changePassphrase | Changes the passphrase of the current key. |
config | Sets or retrieves a configuration setting . |
createKey | Creates an OpenPGP key pair. |
deleteKey | Deletes the specified key. |
exportPublicKey | Exports the public key of the current key. |
exportSecretKey | Exports the private key of the current key. |
importKey | Imports the key specified by UserId to the current keyring. |
importKeyB | Imports the key specified by UserId to the current keyring. |
listKeys | Lists keys in the specified Keyring . |
listSignatures | Lists all signatures of the current key. |
listSubkeys | Lists the subkeys of the currently selected key. |
loadKeyring | Loads the keyring from disk. |
reset | Resets the component properties. |
revokeKey | Revokes the specified key. |
saveKeyring | Saves the current Keyring to disk. |
signUserId | Signs the specified user Id of the current key. |
verifyPassphrase | Verifies the passphrase of specified key. |
Event List
The following is the full list of the events fired by the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Error | Information about errors during data delivery. |
KeyList | Fires for each key in the keyring when ListKeys is called. |
KeyPassphrase | Fired if the passphrase of current key is incorrect or empty. |
SignatureList | Fires for each signature of the current key when ListSignatures is called. |
Status | Shows the progress of the operation. |
SubkeyList | Fires once for each subkey listed when ListSubkeys is called. |
Configuration Settings
The following is a list of configuration settings for the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
ContinueOnInvalidKey | Whether to continue loading the keyring when an invalid key is found. |
ImportAllKeys | Whether or not to import all keys found in a key file. |
KeyEncryptionAlgorithm | The encryption algorithm used when creating a key. |
KeyIdLength | Specifies the length of the key's Id. |
KeyUsage | Flags that show intended use for the key being created. |
KeyValidityTime | The validity period for the key being created. |
PublicKeyAlgorithm | The public key algorithm for the key being created. |
PublicKeyLength | Specifies the public key length when creating a key. |
DSAPublicSubKeyLength | Specifies the public subkey length when creating a DSA key. |
PublicKeySignatureHashAlgorithm | The public key signature hash algorithm used when creating a key. |
PublicKeyringFile | The file name of the public keyring file. |
SecretKeyringFile | The file name of the secret keyring file. |
RawKeyData | Returns detailed key and keyring data for debugging purposes. |
RevocationCode | The reason why the key was revoked. |
RevocationReason | Text describing why the key was revoked. |
Revoker | The revoker's key Id. |
VersionHeader | The Version header value in ASCII armored public keys. |
AutoSelectDSASignatureHashAlgorithm | Whether or not to select a suitable signature hash algorithm automatically. |
LogLevel | Specifies the level of detail that is logged. |
UseFipsCompliantAlgorithms | Restricts the usage to FIPS compliant algorithms only. |
CodePage | The system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations. |