ECCKey Type
Contains the parameters for the ECC algorithm.
This type is made up of fields that represent the private and public key parameters used by the ECC operations.
An ECC key is made up of a number of individual parameters. When calling CreateKey the Key property is populated with a new private and public key.
After calling Sign the public key must be sent to the recipient along with HashSignature so they may perform signature verification. Likewise you must obtain the public key along with HashSignature in order to perform signature verification.
The public key consists of the following parameters:
- Rx
- Ry
The component also includes the PublicKey field which holds the PEM formatted public key for ease of use. This is helpful if you are in control of both sides of the encryption/signing and decryption/signature verification process. When sending the public key to a recipient note that not all implementations will support using the PEM formatted value in PublicKey in which case the individual parameters must be sent.
The private key consists of one value:
- K
[VB.NET] Public ECCKey() [C#] public ECCKey();
The default constructor creates a new ECCKey instance but does not assign a public or private key.
[VB.NET] Public ECCKey(ByVal Rx As String, ByVal Ry As String) [C#] public ECCKey(byte[] rx, byte[] ry);
The public key constructor assigns an existing public key.
[VB.NET] Public ECCKey(ByVal Rx As String, ByVal Ry As String, ByVal Curve As Integer) [C#] public ECCKey(byte[] rx, byte[] ry, int curve);
The public key constructor assigns an existing public key.
[VB.NET] Public ECCKey(ByVal K As String, ByVal Rx As String, ByVal Ry As String) [C#] public ECCKey(byte[] K, byte[] rx, byte[] ry);
The private key constructor assigns an existing private key.
[VB.NET] Public ECCKey(ByVal K As String, ByVal Rx As String, ByVal Ry As String, ByVal Curve As Integer) [C#] public ECCKey(byte[] K, byte[] rx, byte[] ry, int curve);
The private key constructor assigns an existing private key.