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IP*Works! Encrypt V9
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HashAlgorithm Property

The hash algorithm used for hash computation.


property HashAlgorithm: TipcdsaHashAlgorithms;

TipcdsaHashAlgorithms = ( dhaSHA1, dhaSHA224, dhaSHA256, dhaSHA384, dhaSHA512, dhaRIPEMD160 );

Default Value



This property specifies the hash algorithm used for hash computation. This is only applicable when calling Sign or VerifySignature and HashValue is computed. Possible values are:

0 (dhaSHA1 - default) SHA-1
1 (dhaSHA224) SHA-224
2 (dhaSHA256) SHA-256
3 (dhaSHA384) SHA-384
4 (dhaSHA512) SHA-512
5 (dhaRIPEMD160) RIPEMD-160

Data Type


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Build 9.0.6240.0