HMACAlgorithm Property
The HMAC algorithm to use during encryption.
property HMACAlgorithm: TipcECCHMACAlgorithms read get_HMACAlgorithm write set_HMACAlgorithm;
TipcECCHMACAlgorithms = ( iesHMACSHA1, iesHMACSHA224, iesHMACSHA256, iesHMACSHA384, iesHMACSHA512, iesHMACRIPEMD160 );
Default Value
This property specifies the HMAC algorithm to use when encrypting. The HMAC algorithm is used when Encrypt and Decrypt are called to protect and verify data. Possible values are:
- 0 (iesHMACSHA1)
- 1 (iesHMACSHA224)
- 2 (iesHMACSHA256 - Default)
- 3 (iesHMACSHA384)
- 4 (iesHMACSHA512)
- 5 (iesHMACRIPEMD160)
This property is only applicable when calling Encrypt or Decrypt.