IP*Works! OpenPGP V9 - Online Help
IP*Works! OpenPGP V9
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SSLCertSubject Property

The subject of the certificate used for client authentication.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getSSLCertSubject();
public function setSSLCertSubject($value);

Procedural Interface

ipworksopenpgp_pfilemailer_get($res, 55 );
ipworksopenpgp_pfilemailer_set($res, 55, $value );

Default Value



The subject of the certificate used for client authentication.

When this property is set, a search is performed in the current certificate store certificate with matching subject.

If a matching certificate is found, the property is set to the full subject of the matching certificate.

If an exact match is not found, the store is searched for subjects containing the value of the property.

If a match is still not found, the property is set to an empty string, and no certificate is selected.

The special value "*" picks a random certificate in the certificate store.

The certificate subject is a comma separated list of distinguished name properties and values. For instance "CN=www.server.com, OU=test, C=US, E=support@nsoftware.com". Common properties and their meanings are displayed below.

CNCommon Name. This is commonly a host name like www.server.com.
OUOrganizational Unit
EEmail Address

If a property value contains a comma it must be quoted.

Data Type


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Build 9.0.6240.0