SSHChannelReadyToSend Event
Fired when the component is ready to send data.
typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TiphSSHReverseTunnelSSHChannelReadyToSendEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TiphSSHReverseTunnelSSHChannelReadyToSendEventParams *e);__property TiphSSHReverseTunnelSSHChannelReadyToSendEvent OnSSHChannelReadyToSend = {read=FOnSSHChannelReadyToSend, write=FOnSSHChannelReadyToSend};
typedef struct {
String ChannelId;
} TiphSSHReverseTunnelSSHChannelReadyToSendEventParams;
When Timeout is set to 0 (asynchronous) this event is used signal that the specified channel is ready to accept data for sending.
When Timeout is set to 0 (asynchronous) this event is used signal that the specified channel is ready to accept data for sending.