IP*Works! SSH V9 - Online Help
IP*Works! SSH V9
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SSHChannelClosed Event

Fired when a channel is closed.


sshdaemon.on('SSHChannelClosed', [callback])


The 'callback' is called when the 'SSHChannelClosed' event is emited.

function(e){ }

The argument 'e' has the following properties:



The SSHChannelClosed event is fired when a channel is closed on an SSH connection.

ConnectionId identifies the connection. ChannelId identifies the channel.

Note: Processing long-running requests, including sending channel data, inside this event may cause the underlying transport to stop processing SSH data until the event returns. In order to prevent this from happening, all requests should be processed asynchronously in a separate thread outside of this event.

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Build 9.0.6240.0