IP*Works! SSH V9 - Online Help
IP*Works! SSH V9
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DataIn Event

Fired when data comes in.


sshtunnel.on('DataIn', [callback])


The 'callback' is called when the 'DataIn' event is emited.

function(e){ }

The argument 'e' has the following properties:

e.text (buffer)


Trapping the DataIn event is your only chance to get the data coming from the other end of the connection specified by ConnectionId. The incoming data is provided through the Text parameter.

EOL indicates whether the EOL string was found at the end of Text or not. If the EOL string was found, then EOL is True.

If Text is part of data portion of length larger than MaxLineLength with no EOL strings in it, then EOL is False. Please note that this means that one or more DataIn events with EOL set to False can be received during a connection.

If the EOL property is "" (empty string), then EOL can be disregarded (it is always True).

Note that events are not re-entrant. Performing time consuming operations within this event will prevent it from firing again in a timely manner and may impact overall performance.

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Build 9.0.6240.0