IP*Works! SSH V9 - Online Help
IP*Works! SSH V9
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KeyboardInteractivePromptEcho Property

Specifies if the client should echo the value entered by the user or not.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getKeyboardInteractivePromptEcho($promptindex);
public function setKeyboardInteractivePromptEcho($promptindex, $value);

Procedural Interface

ipworksssh_sftpserver_get($res, 15 , $promptindex);
ipworksssh_sftpserver_set($res, 15, $value , $promptindex);

Default Value



Specifies if the client should echo the value entered by the user or not.

The size of the array is controlled by the KeyboardInteractivePromptCount property.

This property is not available at design time.

Data Type


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Build 9.0.6240.0