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IP*Works! SSH V9
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SendSSHPacket Method

Used to send an encoded SSH packet to a connected client.

Object Oriented Interface

public function doSendSSHPacket($channelid, $packettype, $payload);

Procedural Interface

ipworksssh_sshdaemon_do_sendsshpacket($res, $channelid, $packettype, $payload);


This method can be used to send a previously built SSH payload to a connected client. ConnectionId identifies the connection that will receive the packet. To send a packet to specific channel, you may specify that channel's ChannelId instead.

PacketType identifies what kind of packet is to be sent. Payload should contain the payload of the packet, which can be built by successive calls to SetSSHParam.

When SendSSHPacket is called, the SSHDaemon will finish building the packet, encrypt it for transport, and send it to the target connected client.

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Build 9.0.6240.0