LocalPort Property

The port in the local host where the class listens.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
int GetLocalPort();
int SetLocalPort(int iLocalPort); Unicode (Windows) INT GetLocalPort();
INT SetLocalPort(INT iLocalPort);
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=localPort,setter=setLocalPort:) int localPort;
- (int)localPort;
- (void)setLocalPort:(int)newLocalPort;

IPWORKSSNMP_EXTERNAL void* IPWORKSSNMP_CALL IPWorksSNMP_SNMPTCPAgent_Get(void *lpObj, int propid, int arridx, int *lpcbVal, int64 *lpllVal);
IPWORKSSNMP_EXTERNAL int IPWORKSSNMP_CALL IPWorksSNMP_SNMPTCPAgent_Set(void *lpObj, int propid, int arridx, const void *val, int cbVal);

Default Value



The LocalPort property must be set before the class is activated (Active is set to True). It instructs the class to bind to a specific port (or communication endpoint) in the local machine (default 161).

You may also set LocalPort to 0. This allows the TCP/IP stack to choose a port at random. The value chosen is provided via the LocalPort property after the class is activated through the Active property.

LocalPort cannot be changed once the class is Active. Any attempt to set the LocalPort property when the class is Active will generate an error.

Note: on macOS and iOS, root permissions are required to set LocalPort to any value below 1024.

Data Type


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IPWorks SNMP 2020 C++ Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8202]