IPWorks IoT 2020 C++ Builder Edition

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MessageIn Event

Fired when an incoming message has been received and/or fully acknowledged.


typedef struct {
  int MsgId;
  String TopicId;
  int TopicIdType;
  int QOS;
  String Message;
  DynamicArray<Byte> MessageB;
  bool Retained;
  bool Duplicate;
  int ReturnCode;
} TiotMQTTSNMessageInEventParams;

typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TiotMQTTSNMessageInEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TiotMQTTSNMessageInEventParams *e);

__property TiotMQTTSNMessageInEvent OnMessageIn = { read=FOnMessageIn, write=FOnMessageIn };


Fired on reception of a PUBLISH packet for QoS 0 and 1 messages, and reception of a PUBREL packet for QoS 2 messages.

  • MsgId: a unique (among currently unacknowledged incoming messages) identifier attached to messages of QoS 1 and 2. Otherwise value will be 0.
  • TopicId: topic id of type TopicIdType.
  • TopicIdType: 0 = registered topic id, 1 = pre-defined topic id, 2 = short topic name.
  • QOS: The message's QoS level.
  • Message: The message data.
  • Retained: Whether or not this message was received as a result of subscribing to a topic.
  • Duplicate: Whether or not the server has indicated that this message is a duplicate of another message sent previously.
  • ReturnCode: QoS 1 messages can be accepted or rejected by setting the ReturnCode to a value listed below.
    • 0: accepted
    • 1: rejected - congestion
    • 2: rejected - invalid topic id
    • 3: rejected - not supported

Inbound Message Processing

Incoming messages with a QoS of 1 follow these steps:

  1. The TopicInfo event is fired (if the gateway sends a REGISTER packet because it needs to inform the client name and assigned topic id it will use in a PUBLISH message).
  2. The component sends a REGACK (register acknowledgment) packet in response (if a REGISTER packet was received).
  3. The MessageIn event is fired.
  4. The component sends a PUBACK (publish acknowledgment) packet in response (with the return code from the MessageIn event if one is set).

Incoming messages with a QoS of 2 follow these steps:

  1. The TopicInfo event is fired (if the gateway sends a REGISTER packet because it needs to inform the client name and assigned topic id it will use in a PUBLISH message).
  2. The component sends a REGACK (register acknowledgment) packet in response (if a REGISTER packet was received).
  3. The component sends a PUBREC (publish received) packet in response.
  4. The component waits to receive a PUBREL (publish release) packet.
  5. The component sends a PUBCOMP (publish complete) packet in response.
  6. The MessageIn event is fired.

Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
IPWorks IoT 2020 C++ Builder Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8265]