IPWorks IoT 2020 macOS Edition

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AMQPMessage Type

Represents an AMQP message.


This type represents an AMQP message.



The absolute time at which this message should be considered expired.

This property specifies the absolute time at which this message should be considered expired. It may be -1 if this message does not have an absolute expiry time.

This property's value should be specified in milliseconds relative to the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC).


The content encoding of this message's data.

This property specifies the content encoding of this message's data. It may be empty if this message does not have a content encoding set.

When constructing a message for sending, this property is ignored if ValueType is not set to mvtBinary (16).


The content type of this message's data.

This property specifies the content type of this message's data. It may be empty if this message does not have a content type set.

When constructing a message for sending, this property is ignored if ValueType is not set to mvtBinary (16).


The correlation Id of this message.

This property specifies the correlation Id of this message. It may be empty if this message does not have a correlation Id.


The creation time of this message.

This property specifies the absolute creation time of this message. It may be -1 if this message does not have a creation time set.

This property's value should be specified in milliseconds relative to the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC).


How many previous attempts there have been to deliver this message.

This property indicates how many (unsuccessful) previous attempts there have been to deliver this message.


Whether this message is durable.

This property specifies whether this message is durable or not.

If a message is marked as durable, any intermediate nodes which cannot guarantee that the message won't be lost under any circumstances will not accept the message.


Whether this message may have been acquired by other links previously.

This property specifies whether this message might have previously been acquired by other links.


The Id of the group this message belongs to.

This property specifies the Id of the group that this message belongs to. It may be empty if this message does not belong to a group.


The position of this message within its group.

This property specifies the relative position of this message within its group. It may be -1 if this message does not belong to a group.


The name of the link this message is associated with.

This property holds the name of the link which this message is being sent/was received on.


The unique Id of this message.

This property holds the unique Id of this message. It may be empty if this message does not have a unique Id.


The priority of this message.

This property holds the priority of this message; the default is 4 (as defined by the AMQP specification).


The address of the node to send replies to for this message.

This property specifies the address of the node to send replies to for this message. It may be empty if this message does not have a specific reply-to node address.


The Id of the group to send replies to for this message.

This property specifies the Id of the group to send replies to for this message. It may be empty if there is not a specific reply-to group for this message.


Whether this message is settled.

This property specifies whether this message is settled or not.

Note that, when constructing a message for sending, this property is ignored if the send settle mode of the link it is sent on is not Mixed (2).


The subject of this message.

This property specifies the subject of this message. It may be empty if this message does not have a subject set.


The address of the node which this message is intended for.

This property specifies the address of the node which this message is intended to be delivered to. It my be empty if this message is not intended for a specific destination node.


The time-to-live value for this message.

This property specifies the time-to-live (TTL) value, in milliseconds, for this message. It may be -1 if this message does not have a TTL.


The identity of the user responsible for producing this message.

This property specifies the identity of the user responsible for producing this message. It may be empty if no specific user was responsible for creating this message.

A message's user Id may be used for verification or authentication by intermediates and/or the final receiver.


This message's value.

This property specifies the value to send in this message. The ValueType property should be used to specify the data type of the value.


This message's value data type.

This property specifies the data type of this message's Value.

The table below shows the possible value types, their descriptions, and how to format the data assigned to Value. All numeric value types should use their standard string formatting (except for the mvtDecimal (12) type, which should be specified as hex-encoded bytes).

Type Description Value Format
mvtNull (0 - default) Null N/A (Value is ignored)
mvtBoolean (1) Boolean "True" or "False"
mvtUbyte (2) Unsigned byte 0 to 255
mvtUshort (3) Unsigned short 0 to 65535
mvtUint (4) Unsigned integer 0 to 4294967295
mvtUlong (5) Unsigned long 0 to 18446744073709551615
mvtByte (6) Byte -128 to 127
mvtShort (7) Short -32768 to 32767
mvtInt (8) Integer -2147483648 to 2147483647
mvtLong (9) Long -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
mvtFloat (10) Float IEEE 754 32-bit floating point number
mvtDouble (11) Double IEEE 754 64-bit floating point number
mvtDecimal (12) Decimal Hex-encoded byte string
mvtChar (13) Char Single character
mvtTimestamp (14) Timestamp Number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC).
mvtUuid (15) UUID Hex-encoded UUID in the form XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX (hyphens optional, case-insensitive)
mvtBinary (16) Binary data Hex-encoded byte string
mvtString (17) String String
mvtSymbol (18) Symbolic value ASCII string
mvtJson (19) Composite data Composite data JSON structured according to the schema shown in the SendMessage method's documentation


public init()

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IPWorks IoT 2020 macOS Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8265]