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SMPPRecipient Type

A recipient of the SMPP message.


This type describes a recipient of the SMPP message that is being sent. The fields describe the RecipientType of recipient and the Address of the recipient of the message.



This field contains the email address of a particular recipient. This can be used for setting single or multiple recipients. The RecipientType contains the corresponding type.

For a recipient type of normal, the value in the Address should be either the dotted IPv4 of an SMS-enabled device or the directory number of a target mobile phone. For distributed lists, the value should be the name of the list as it is stored on the SMPPServer.


This field contains the type of a particular recipient. This field is used only for multiple recipient messages. The Address contains the corresponding recipient's address.

For a recipient type of normal, the value in Address should be either the dotted IPv4 of an SMS-enabled device or the directory number of a target mobile phone. For distributed lists, the value should be the name of the list as it is stored on the SMPPServer.

Valid values for RecipientType are:

0 (smppRecipientTypeNormal)Normal SME (Short Message Entity) Address
1 (smppRecipientTypeList)Distribution List


public SMPPRecipient();

public SMPPRecipient(String address);

public SMPPRecipient(String address, int recipientType);

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