
The following values can be configured independently for each drive, at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\nsoftware\SFTPDrive\2\Drives\{Drive Name}:

DriveLetterStringContains the drive letter where the drive will be mounted (e.g. "Z:").
DriveNameStringContains the name that will be displayed for the drive.
DriveTypeDWORDDetermines the type of drive that will be mounted:
  • 0 - Network Drive (default)
  • 1 - Local Disk
  • 2 - Removable Disk
EnabledDWORDDetermines whether or not the drive will be mounted when SFTP Drive is started.
  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled
IndexDWORDThe position of the drive in the list of drives.
OpenRemoteFolderDWORDDetermines whether or not SFTP Drive will automatically open a folder after mounting the drive.
  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled
OpenSpecifiedFolderStringContains the folder that SFTP Drive will open if OpenRemoteFolder is enabled.
ReadOnlyDWORDDetermines whether or not SFTP Drive will mount the drive in read-only mode.
  • 0 - Disabled (default)
  • 1 - Enabled
RemoteRootStringContains the folder on the server that SFTP Drive will use as the root of the mounted drive.
SharedDWORDDetermines whether or not other users can access the mounted drive.
  • 0 - Private
  • 1 - Shared (default)
AuthTypeDWORDDetermines the type of authentication used to connect to the server:
  • 0 - Password
  • 1 - Public key
  • 2 - Keyboard-interactive
  • 3 - Multi-factor
  • 4 - Public key (Pageant)
  • 5 - Public key (Security Key)
  • 6 - Password + OTP (One Time Password)
CertStoreStringThe name of the certificate store for the client certificate
CertStoreTypeDWORDThe type of certificate store for this certificate
  • 0 - User
  • 1 - Machine
  • 2 - PFX File
  • 3 - PFX Blob
  • 4 - JKS File
  • 5 - JKS File
  • 6 - PEM Key File
  • 7 - PEM Key File
  • 8 - Public Key File
  • 9 - Public Key File
  • 10 - SSH Public Key Blob
  • 11 - P7B File
  • 12 - P7B Blob
  • 13 - SSH Public Key File
  • 14 - PPK File
  • 15 - PPK Blob
  • 16 - XML File
  • 17 - XML Blob
  • 18 - JWK File
  • 19 - JWK Blob
  • 20 - Security Key
CertStorePasswordStringIf the certificate store is of a type that requires a password, this registry setting is used to specify that password in order to open the certificate store.
CertSubjectStringThe subject of the certificate used for client authentication. The certificate subject is a comma separated list of distinguished name properties and values. For instance ", OU=test, C=US,".

Determines whether or not to forcefully rename a file if the destination file already exists. By default, renaming a file will fail if the destination file already exists.

If enabled and the destination file already exists, the destination file will be renamed to have a temporary extension as a backup. The original file will be renamed to the destination file and the temporary file will be deleted. If the rename operation fails for any reason the temporary file is renamed back to the destination file so effectively no changes occur when the rename fails.

  • 0 - Disabled (default)
  • 1 - Enabled

HostStringContains the remote host that SFTP Drive will connect to.
PasswordStringContains the password for the SFTP server.
PortDWORDContains the port on the remote host that SFTP Drive will connect to.
QueryAvailableSpaceDWORDWhether to query the remote server for available space when connecting. Possible values are:
  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled (default)
RemoteRootTypeDWORDDetermines how the drive decides what folder to use as the root of the drive.
  • 0 - Server Root (/)
  • 1 - User's home folder (/home)
  • 2 - Specified folder (use RemoteRoot)
SecurityKeyAccountStringAn opaque token holding information about the certificate selected from the security key. This value is created by the application and should not be set manually.
SecurityKeyNameStringA friendly name of the chosen key. This is populated after selecting a key. For instance "PIV AUTH pubkey"
SecurityKeyPINStringThe encrypted PIN of the security key.
SecurityKeyPKCS11LibPathStringThe path to the library which implements the PKCS11 interface. This may be provided by the security key vendor, or may be an alternative implementation like OpenSC. For instance "C:\Program Files\OpenSC Project\OpenSC\pkcs11\onepin-opensc-pkcs11.dll"
SecurityKeySavePINDWORDWhether to save the PIN. If saved, the PIN is encrypted.

The CA signed client public key used when authenticating. When authenticating via public key authentication this setting may be set to the CA signed client's public key. This is useful when the server has been configured to trust client keys signed by a particular CA. For instance: AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAB...")

The algorithm such as in the above string is used as part of the authentication process. To use a different algorithm simply change this value. For instance all of the following are acceptable with the same signed public key:


UseIPv6StringIf "False", the drive will use IPv4 to connect. If "True", the drive will use IPv6.
UsernameStringContains the username for the SFTP server.

Copyright (c) 2021 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
SFTP Drive V2 - Version 2.0 [Build 7877]