SecureBlackbox 2020 Android Edition

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ASiCSignature Type

Represents a signature in the ASiC container.


This type contains information about a signature found in ASiC container. It holds various information about the signature, including its coverage and validation results.

An ASiC-S container can include one CAdES, and/or one XAdES, and/or one Timestamp. An ASiC-E container can include multiple CAdES signatures, XAdES signatures, and timestamp tokens.



The details of a certificate chain validation outcome. They may often suggest what reasons that contributed to the overall validation result.

Returns a bit mask of the following options:

cvrBadData0x0001One or more certificates in the validation path are malformed

cvrRevoked0x0002One or more certificates are revoked

cvrNotYetValid0x0004One or more certificates are not yet valid

cvrExpired0x0008One or more certificates are expired

cvrInvalidSignature0x0010A certificate contains a non-valid digital signature

cvrUnknownCA0x0020A CA certificate for one or more certificates has not been found (chain incomplete)

cvrCAUnauthorized0x0040One of the CA certificates are not authorized to act as CA

cvrCRLNotVerified0x0080One or more CRLs could not be verified

cvrOCSPNotVerified0x0100One or more OCSP responses could not be verified

cvrIdentityMismatch0x0200The identity protected by the certificate (a TLS endpoint or an e-mail addressee) does not match what is recorded in the certificate

cvrNoKeyUsage0x0400A mandatory key usage is not enabled in one of the chain certificates

cvrBlocked0x0800One or more certificates are blocked

cvrFailure0x1000General validation failure

cvrChainLoop0x2000Chain loop: one of the CA certificates recursively signs itself

cvrWeakAlgorithm0x4000A weak algorithm is used in one of certificates or revocation elements

cvrUserEnforced0x8000The chain was considered invalid following intervention from a user code


The outcome of a certificate chain validation routine.

Available options:

cvtValid0The chain is valid

cvtValidButUntrusted1The chain is valid, but the root certificate is not trusted

cvtInvalid2The chain is not valid (some of certificates are revoked, expired, or contain an invalid signature)

cvtCantBeEstablished3The validity of the chain cannot be established because of missing or unavailable validation information (certificates, CRLs, or OCSP responses)

Use the ValidationLog property to access the detailed validation log.


Returns the binary representation of the ASiC signature.


The name of the ASiC signature file.


The Relative Distinguished Name of the signing certificate's issuer.

A collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, about the company that issued the signing certificate.


Indicates a qualified electronic signature.

Use this property to check if an electronic signature is created using a qualified device for creating electronic signatures and that relies on a qualified electronic signature certificate.

Adjust UseDefaultTSLs property and/or CustomTSLs property before validating the signature/certificate to properly obtain TSP (Trust Service Provider) service status. Use Qualified* and TSL* config properties to obtain extended information.

The following qualified statuses are supported:

sqsUnknown0Qualified status unknown. Use config's QualifiedInfo setting to obtain service status URI.




sqsSetByNationalLaw4Set by national law

sqsDeprecatedByNationalLaw5Deprecated by national law

sqsRecognizedAtNationalLevel6Recognized at national level

sqsDeprecatedAtNationalLevel7Deprecated at national level

sqsUnderSupervision8Under supervision

sqsSupervisionInCessation9Supervision in cessation

sqsSupervisionCeased10Supervision ceased

sqsSupervisionRevoked11Supervision revoked


sqsAccreditationCeased13Accreditation ceased

sqsAccreditationRevoked14Accreditation revoked

sqsInAccordance15Deprecated. The subject service is in accordance with the scheme's specific status determination criteria (only for use in positive approval schemes).

sqsExpired16Deprecated. The subject service is no longer overseen by the scheme, e.g. due to nonrenewal or withdrawal by the TSP, or cessation of the service or the scheme's operations.

sqsSuspended17Deprecated. The subject service's status is temporarily uncertain whilst checks are made by the scheme operator (typically e.g. while a revocation request is being investigated or if action is required to resolve a deficiency in the service fulfilling the scheme's criteria.

sqsRevoked18Deprecated. The subject service's approved status has been revoked because it is no longer in accordance with the scheme's specific status determination criteria (only for use in positive approval schemes).

sqsNotInAccordance19Deprecated. The subject service is not in accordance with the scheme's specific status determination criteria (only for use in negative approval schemes).


The serial number of the timestamp.


The type of the ASiC signature: CAdES, XAdES, timestamp, or unknown.



The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation.

The following signature validity values are supported:

svtValid0The signature is valid

svtUnknown1Signature validity is unknown

svtCorrupted2The signature is corrupted

svtSignerNotFound3Failed to acquire the signing certificate. The signature cannot be validated.

svtFailure4General failure


Contains a comma-separated list of files that are covered by the signature.


Contains the subject key identifier of the signing certificate.

Subject Key Identifier is a (non-critical) X.509 certificate extension which allows the identification of certificates containing a particular public key. In SecureBlackbox, the unique identifier is represented by a SHA-1 hash of the bit string of the subject public key.


Indicates the time embedded in the timestamp, in UTC.


Contains the signing certificate's chain validation log. This information may be very useful in investigating chain validation failures.


public ASiCSignature();

Creates a new empty ASiC signature object.

Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
SecureBlackbox 2020 Android Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8156]