SecureBlackbox 2020 Node.js Edition

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Sign Method

Creates a new CAdES signature over the provided data.


cadessigner.sign(level, detached, [callback])


The 'callback' parameter specifies a function which will be called when the operation completes (or an error is encountered). If the 'callback' parameter is not specified, then the method will block and will not return until the operation completes (or an error is encountered).

The callback for this method is defined as:

function(err){ }

'err' is the error that occurred. If there was no error, then 'err' is 'null'.

'err' has 2 properties which hold detailed information:



Call this method to produce a new signature of the needed Level over the provided data. Set Detached to true to generate a detached signature (stored as a separate file and not including the data).

CAdES standard defines a number of different 'levels' of signatures. Supported signature levels:

cslUnknown0Unknown signature level

cslBES1BES (Basic Electronic Signature)

cslEPES2EPES (Electronic Signature with an Explicit Policy)

cslT3T (Timestamped)

cslC4C (T with revocation references)

cslXType15X Type 1 (C with an ES-C timestamp)

cslXType26X Type 2 (C with a CertsAndCRLs timestamp)

cslXLType17XL Type 1 (C with revocation values and an ES-C timestamp)

cslXLType28XL Type 2 (C with revocation values and a CertsAndCRLs timestamp)

cslBaselineB9Baseline B (B-B, basic)

cslBaselineT10Baseline T (B-T, timestamped)

cslBaselineLT11Baseline LT (B-LT, long-term)

cslBaselineLTA12Baseline LTA (B-LTA, long-term with archived timestamp)

cslExtendedBES13Extended BES

cslExtendedEPES14Extended EPES

cslExtendedT15Extended T

cslExtendedC16Extended C

cslExtendedXType117Extended X Type 1

cslExtendedXType218Extended X Type 2

cslExtendedXLType119Extended XL Type 1

cslExtendedXLType220Extended XL Type 2

cslExtendedA21Extended A

cslA22A (archived)

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SecureBlackbox 2020 Node.js Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8165]