SecureBlackbox 2020 Qt Edition

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MailWriter Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Configuration Settings   Errors  

The MailWriter class composes, encrypts, and signs e-mail messages.




Use MailWriter to compose, sign, and encrypt e-mail messages, and prepare them for sending or saving.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AttachEncodingThe encoding to be applied to the attachments.
AttachCountThe number of records in the Attach arrays.
AttachContentSubtypeContains the content subtype of the attachment.
AttachContentTypeContain the content type of the attachment.
AttachCreationDateThe creation date.
AttachDataThe content of the attachment.
AttachDescriptionTextual description of the attachment.
AttachFilenameSpecifies the name of the attachment file.
AttachIDContains the attachment's unique identifier.
AttachModificationDateSpecifies the date and time of the file's last modification.
AttachReadDateSpecifies the file's last read date.
AttachSizeAttachment's size in bytes.
BccAddrCountThe number of records in the BccAddr arrays.
BccAddrAddressContains the e-mail address in the form of john@doe.
BccAddrDisplayNameContains the friendly name of the user of this address, such as John Doe.
BccAddrGroupNameThe name of the group this address belongs to.
CcAddrCountThe number of records in the CcAddr arrays.
CcAddrAddressContains the e-mail address in the form of john@doe.
CcAddrDisplayNameContains the friendly name of the user of this address, such as John Doe.
CcAddrGroupNameThe name of the group this address belongs to.
CharsetThe charset to apply to Message .
EncryptionCertCountThe number of records in the EncryptionCert arrays.
EncryptionCertBytesReturns raw certificate data in DER format.
EncryptionCertHandleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
ExternalCryptoCustomParamsCustom parameters to be passed to the signing service (uninterpreted).
ExternalCryptoDataAdditional data to be included in the async state and mirrored back by the requestor.
ExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculationSpecifies whether the message hash is to be calculated at the external endpoint.
ExternalCryptoHashAlgorithmSpecifies the request's signature hash algorithm.
ExternalCryptoKeyIDThe ID of the pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.
ExternalCryptoKeySecretThe pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.
ExternalCryptoMethodSpecifies the asynchronous signing method.
ExternalCryptoModeSpecifies the external cryptography mode.
ExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithmProvide public key algorithm here if the certificate is not available on the pre-signing stage.
FromAddrCountThe number of records in the FromAddr arrays.
FromAddrAddressContains the e-mail address in the form of john@doe.
FromAddrDisplayNameContains the friendly name of the user of this address, such as John Doe.
FromAddrGroupNameThe name of the group this address belongs to.
HeaderEncodingThe encoding to be applied to the message header.
MailerThe name of the software used to compose and/or send the message.
MsgAttachmentCountReturns the number of attachments in this message.
MsgBccThe contents of the BCC header property.
MsgCcThe value of the CC header property.
MsgCommentsContains additional information about the message body.
MsgDateThe date and time when the message entered the mail delivery system.
MsgDeliveryReceiptEnables delivery notification.
MsgFromContains the value of the From header property.
MsgHtmlTextThe HTML version of the message.
MsgIDThe contents of the Message-ID header property.
MsgInReplyToThe value of the In-Reply-To header property.
MsgKeywordsThe value of the Keywords header property.
MsgMailerThe name of the software that was used to send the message.
MsgPlainTextThe plain text version of the message.
MsgPrioritySpecifies the message priority.
MsgReadReceiptEnables a read notification.
MsgReferencesThe value of the References header property.
MsgReplyToThe value of the Reply-To header property.
MsgReturnPathThe value of the Return-Path header property.
MsgSenderThe value of the Sender header property.
MsgSendToThe value of the To header property.
MsgSubjectContains the subject property of this message.
HeaderFieldCountThe number of records in the HeaderField arrays.
HeaderFieldNameThe name element in a (name, value) pair.
HeaderFieldValueThe value element in a (name, value) pair.
ProfileSpecifies a pre-defined profile to apply when creating the signature.
ReplyToAddrCountThe number of records in the ReplyToAddr arrays.
ReplyToAddrAddressContains the e-mail address in the form of john@doe.
ReplyToAddrDisplayNameContains the friendly name of the user of this address, such as John Doe.
ReplyToAddrGroupNameThe name of the group this address belongs to.
SecSettingsClaimedSigningTimeSpecifies the signing time from the signer's computer.
SecSettingsEncryptWhether to encrypt the message.
SecSettingsEncryptionAlgorithmSpecifies the encryption algorithm to be used.
SecSettingsHashAlgorithmSpecifies the hash algorithm to be used.
SecSettingsSignWhether to sign the message.
SecSettingsSignatureFormatSpecifies the signature format to use for the signed message.
SecSettingsSignBeforeEncryptSpecifies the order of encryption and signing operations.
SecSettingsSignMessageHeaderSpecifies whether to include the message header in the signature calculation.
SenderAddrAddressContains the e-mail address in the form of john@doe.
SenderAddrDisplayNameContains the friendly name of the user of this address, such as John Doe.
SenderAddrGroupNameThe name of the group this address belongs to.
SendToAddrCountThe number of records in the SendToAddr arrays.
SendToAddrAddressContains the e-mail address in the form of john@doe.
SendToAddrDisplayNameContains the friendly name of the user of this address, such as John Doe.
SendToAddrGroupNameThe name of the group this address belongs to.
SigningCertBytesReturns raw certificate data in DER format.
SigningCertHandleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
SigningChainCountThe number of records in the SigningChain arrays.
SigningChainBytesReturns raw certificate data in DER format.
SigningChainHandleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
TextEncodingThe encoding to be applied to the message.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AttachBytesCreates an attachment from a memory buffer.
AttachFileCreates an attachment from a file.
AttachImageCreates an image attachment from a memory buffer.
ConfigSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
SaveToBytesSerializes the message to a byte array.
SaveToFileSerializes the message to a file.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ErrorReports information about errors during e-mail message assembling or saving.
ExternalSignHandles remote or external signing initiated by the SignExternal method or other source.
NotificationThis event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

BitsInKeyKey length for the block cipher used for encryption. The value should be a multiple of 8.
IncludeSigningCertificateIf true (by default), the signing certificate is included into the signature. Otherwise, it is included only if SigningChain is not empty.
TempPathPath for storing temporary files.
CheckKeyIntegrityBeforeUseEnables or disable private key integrity check before use.
CookieCachingSpecifies whether a cookie cache should be used for HTTP(S) transports.
CookiesGets or sets local cookies for the class (supported for HTTPClient, RESTClient and SOAPClient only).
DefDeriveKeyIterationsSpecifies the default key derivation algorithm iteration count.
EnableClientSideSSLFFDHEEnables or disables finite field DHE key exchange support in TLS clients.
GlobalCookiesGets or sets global cookies for all the HTTP transports.
HttpUserAgentSpecifies the user agent name to be used by all HTTP clients.
LogDestinationSpecifies the debug log destination.
LogDetailsSpecifies the debug log details to dump.
LogFileSpecifies the debug log filename.
LogFiltersSpecifies the debug log filters.
LogFlushModeSpecifies the log flush mode.
LogLevelSpecifies the debug log level.
LogMaxEventCountSpecifies the maximum number of events to cache before further action is taken.
LogRotationModeSpecifies the log rotation mode.
MaxASN1BufferLengthSpecifies the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 primitive tag data.
MaxASN1TreeDepthSpecifies the maximal depth for processed ASN.1 trees.
OCSPHashAlgorithmSpecifies the hash algorithm to be used to identify certificates in OCSP requests.
UseOwnDNSResolverSpecifies whether the client classes should use own DNS resolver.
UseSharedSystemStoragesSpecifies whether the validation engine should use a global per-process copy of the system certificate stores.
UseSystemOAEPAndPSSEnforces or disables the use of system-driven RSA OAEP and PSS computations.
UseSystemRandomEnables or disables the use of the OS PRNG.

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SecureBlackbox 2020 Qt Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8154]