/n software 3-D Secure V2 iOS Edition

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Config Parameters

The ConfigParameters class is used to provide details required by the 3DS SDK for initialization, as well as additional optional settings. The ConfigParametersBuilder class helps with organizing these parameters which can be used as follows:

	var directoryServerInfoList = [DirectoryServerInfo]()
	directoryServerInfoList.append(DirectoryServerInfo(RID: DSInfo.TEST_DS_ID, publicKey: DSInfo.TEST_DS_CERT, CA: DSInfo.TEST_DS_CA))

	let deviceParameterBlacklist = ["C005", "I010"]
	let clientConfigs = ["LogLevel=3", "MaskSensitive=false"]

	let builder = ConfigParametersBuilder.init(directoryServerInfoList: directoryServerInfoList, runtimeLicense: "", deviceParameterBlacklist: deviceParameterBlacklist, clientConfig: clientConfigs, appBundleId: appBundleId)
	let configParameters = try builder.build()
Parameters fall into a few groups:

Parameter NameTypeDescription
DirectoryServerInfoListList<DirectoryServerInfo>Used to specify encryption keys and certificates for various supported directory servers. More details can be found in the DirectoryServerInfo section.
RuntimeLicenseStringThe 3DS SDK license string.
DeviceParametersBlacklistList<String>A list of device parameters NOT to pull from the device. By default, the SDK will pull as many device parameters as it can. This setting group can be used to instruct the SDK not to pull certain parameters. You can add parameters to this list by specifying the identifier. A full list of parameters can be found in the EMV® 3-D Secure SDK Device Information document, which can be obtained from EMVCo directly.
ClientConfigList<String>Configuration settings used for additional configuration of the SDK. A list of available options can be found in the Client Config section.
AppBundleIDStringThe expected bundle identifier for the application. This should match the Bundle Identifier identity setting specified when building the application. A security warning is raised if this value does not match the Bundle ID of the application at runtime. If this value is not specified, the SDK will see the Bundle ID as invalid. Note that this value should not be hardcoded in the app for security reasons. Instead, the Bundle ID should be stored on a server, retrieved at runtime, and set here.

After building the ConfigParameters object, the addParams method can be used to add additional parameters. This method accepts a group, parameter name, and parameter value. There are no specific groups associated with the SDK at this time, so the group can be set to a null value. For example:

try configParameters.addParam(group: nil, paramName: "ParameterName", paramValue: "ParameterValue")
Available additional parameters are as follows:

ShowWhiteBoxInProcessingScreenDisplay a white box behind the processing icon and directory server image. This takes a boolean string value ("True" or "False").
FireChallengeStatusFirstThis setting allows configuration of when the completed, cancelled, and protocolError Challenge Status Receiver events fire. By default ("False") these will fire after the challenge UI is closed. Setting this to "True" will cause these events to fire before the challenge UI closes.

Copyright (c) 2023 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
/n software 3-D Secure V2 iOS Edition - Version 2.2 [Build 8522]