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TElAlgorithmIdentifier     See also     

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Saves algorithm identifier data to memory buffer.


    void SaveToBuffer(ref byte[] Buffer, ref int Size);

    Sub SaveToBuffer(ByRef Buffer As Byte(), ByRef Size As Integer)

    procedure SaveToBuffer(Buffer : pointer; var Size : integer); virtual;

    void SaveToBuffer(void * Buffer, int32_t &Size);

    void SaveToBuffer(TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $Buffer, integer &$Size)

    byte[] saveToBuffer();
    void saveToBuffer(byte[][] Buffer, int[] Size);


  • Buffer - memory buffer where the data should be saved.
  • Size - size of the buffer in bytes.


    Use this method to save algorithm identifier data to buffer. To save only algorithm parameters, use WriteParameters method.

See also:     LoadFromBuffer     SaveToTag     WriteParameters    

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