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TElAppleCertStorage     See also     

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This event is fired when a certificate has been validated.


    not available

    not available

    property OnEvaluationResult: TElEvaluationResultEvent;
    TElEvaluationResultEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const res: WideString; const resType: SB_SecTrustResultType) of object; // SB_APPLE_KEYCHAIN_iOS is not defined
    TElEvaluationResultEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const res: WideString; const resType: SB_SecTrustResultType; trust: SB_SecTrustRef) of object; // SB_APPLE_KEYCHAIN_iOS is defined
    SB_SecTrustRef = pointer;

    not available

    not available

    not available


  • res - contains (textual) validation information.
  • resType - specifies the validation result.
  • trust - pointer to the record containing validation result.

SB_SecTrustResultType values:


    This event is fired by TElAppleCertStorage to notify user about certificate validation result.

See also:     EvaluateTrust    

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