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TElCustomCertStorage     See also     

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This method is used for searching for more than one certificate with specified properties in storage.


    int FindNext(TElCertificateLookup Lookup);

    Function FindNext(ByVal Lookup As TElCertificateLookup) As Integer

    function FindNext(Lookup : TElCertificateLookup) : integer;

    int32_t FindNext(TElCertificateLookup &Lookup);
    int32_t FindNext(TElCertificateLookup *Lookup);

    integer FindNext(TElCertificateLookup $Lookup)

    int findNext(TElCertificateLookup Lookup);


Return value

    Index of the certificate in storage on success.
    -1 if no there are no more certificates that match search criteria in storage.


    Use this method when you need to find more than one certificate with specified requirements. Call this method after certificate with such requirements use FindFirst method.

See also:     FindFirst    

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