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TElCustomCertStorage     See also     

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Use this method in derived classes to save certificates contained in storage to buffer in JKS (Java Key Storage) format.


    bool SaveToBufferJKS(ref byte[] Buffer, string Pass, ref int Size);

    Function SaveToBufferJKS(ByRef Buffer As Byte(), ByVal Pass As String, ByRef Size As Integer) As Boolean

    function SaveToBufferJKS(Buffer : pointer; Pass : string; var Size : longint) : boolean;
    function SaveToBufferJKSEx(Buffer : pointer; Pass : string; var Size : longint; OnAliasNeeded : TElJKSAliasNeededEvent = nil) : boolean;
    function TElJKSAliasNeededEvent(Cert : TElX509Certificate; var Alias : string) : boolean;

    bool SaveToBufferJKS(void * Buffer, const std::string &Pass, int32_t &Size);

    bool SaveToBufferJKS(TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $Buffer, string $Pass, integer &$Size)

    boolean saveToBufferJKS(byte[] Buffer, String Pass, TSBInteger Size);


  • Buffer - Buffer with JKS data
  • Size - Size of the Buffer in bytes
  • Pass - Password to encrypt certificates
  • OnAliasNeeded - this event is fired when alias is needed for some certificate
  • Cert - certificate for which alias must be provided
  • Alias - alias for the Cert must be provided via this parameter

Return value

    Returns True if certificates were successfully saved, and False otherwise.


    Use this method in derived classes to save currently stored certificates in JKS format.

See also:     LoadFromBufferJKS     LoadFromStreamJKS     SaveToStreamJKS    

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