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TElCustomCRLStorage     See also     

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Use this property to access individual CRLs by index


    TElCertificateRevocationList CRLs[int Index];

    Property CRLs(ByVal Index As Integer) As TElCertificateRevocationList

    property CRLs[Index : integer] : TElCertificateRevocationList;

    TElCertificateRevocationList* get_CRLs(int32_t Index);

    TElCertificateRevocationList get_CRLs(integer $Index)

    not available


  • Index - index of the desired CRL in the list. The first item has Index=0, the second has Index=1 and so on.


    Use this read-only property to access individual Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) from the storage.

See also:     Count     Add     Remove    

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