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TElCustomCryptoProvider     See also     

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    void VerifyUpdate(TElCustomCryptoContext Context, byte[] InBuffer, int InStartIndex, int InSize, ref byte[] OutBuffer, int OutStartIndex, ref int OutSize, TElCPParameters Params, TSBProgressFunc ProgressFunc, Object ProgressData);

    Sub VerifyUpdate(ByVal Context As TElCustomCryptoContext, ByVal InBuffer As Byte(), ByVal InStartIndex As Integer, ByVal InSize As Integer, ByRef OutBuffer As Byte(), ByVal OutStartIndex As Integer, ByRef OutSize As Integer, ByVal Params As TElCPParameters, ByVal ProgressFunc As TSBProgressFunc, ByVal ProgressData As Object)

    procedure VerifyUpdate(Context : TElCustomCryptoContext; InBuffer : pointer; InSize : integer; OutBuffer : pointer; var OutSize : integer; Params : TElRelativeDistinguishedName = nil; ProgressFunc : TSBProgressFunc = nil; ProgressData : pointer = nil); virtual; abstract;

    void VerifyUpdate(TElCustomCryptoContext $Context, TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $InBuffer, integer $InSize, TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $OutBuffer, integer &$OutSize, TElRelativeDistinguishedName $Params, TSBProgressFunc|callable|NULL $ProgressFunc, TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $ProgressData)

    void verifyUpdate(TElCustomCryptoContext arg0, byte[] arg1, int arg2, int arg3, byte[][] arg4, int arg5, int[] arg6, TElCPParameters arg7, TSBProgressFunc arg8, TObject arg9);


  • Context -
  • InBuffer -
  • InStartIndex -
  • InSize -
  • OutBuffer -
  • OutStartIndex -
  • OutSize -
  • Params -
  • ProgressFunc -
  • ProgressData -
  • pMethodProgressFunc -
  • pDataProgressFunc -



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