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This method receives data through logical connection


    void ReceiveData(ref byte[] Buffer, ref int Size, bool ReadAll);
    int ReceiveData(byte[] Buffer, int StartIndex, int Count, bool ReadAll);

    Sub ReceiveData(ByRef Buffer As Byte(), ByRef Size As Integer, ByVal ReadAll As Boolean)
    Function ReceiveData(ByVal Buffer As Byte(), ByVal StartIndex As Integer, ByVal Count As Integer, ByVal ReadAll As Boolean) As Integer

    procedure ReceiveData(Buffer : pointer; var Size : integer; ReadAll : boolean = true);

    void ReceiveData(void * Buffer, int32_t &Size, bool ReadAll);

    void ReceiveData(TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $Buffer, integer &$Size, bool $ReadAll)

    void receiveData(byte[] Buffer, TSBInteger Size, boolean ReadAll);
    int receiveData(byte[] Buffer, int StartIndex, int Count, boolean ReadAll);


  • Buffer - buffer for data
  • Size - size of buffer for data
  • StartIndex - position in the buffer from which data must be written
  • Count - amount of bytes to be written
  • ReadAll - Specifies whether to read all bytes from Buffer (Data)

Return value

    Returns the number of bytes that have actually been read.


    Use this method to receive data through logical connection. This method tries to read the number of bytes specified by the Size parameter, and returns via Size the number of bytes that have been actually read.

See also:     SendData    

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