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TElCustomSimpleSSLClient     See also     

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Specifies the certificate storage where the "root" certificates are kept.


    TElCustomCertStorage CertStorage;

    Property CertStorage As TElCustomCertStorage

    property CertStorage : TElCustomCertStorage;

    TElCustomCertStorage* get_CertStorage();
    void set_CertStorage(TElCustomCertStorage &Value);
    void set_CertStorage(TElCustomCertStorage *Value);

    TElCustomCertStorage get_CertStorage()
    void set_CertStorage(TElCustomCertStorage $Value)

    TElCustomCertStorage getCertStorage();
    void setCertStorage(TElCustomCertStorage Storage);


    This property defines the Certificate Storage used to validate server certificates. It should contain the "root" certificates of the Certificate Authorities, which, supposedly have issued the clients' certificates, and which are trusted.

See also:     InternalValidate     Use certificate storages    

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