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TElCustomTSPClient     See also     

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Validates correspondence of the received copy of message imprint to the original one.


    bool ValidateImprint(int Algorithm, byte[] HashedData, byte[] Imprint);

    Function ValidateImprint(ByVal Algorithm As Integer, ByVal HashedData As Byte(), ByVal Imprint As Byte()) As Boolean

    function ValidateImprint(Algorithm : integer; const HashedData, Imprint : ByteArray) : boolean;

    not available

    not available

    not available


  • Algorithm - digest algorithm used to calculate the imprint
  • HashedData - data hash (digest) to be timestamped
  • Imprint - imprint to be validated

Possible algorithms:

Return value

    Returns True if validation was successfull and False otherwise.


    Use this method to check whether the received copy of message imprint corresponds to the original one.

See also:     HashAlgorithm     Timestamp    

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