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This class incapsulates DNS-record.
This class has two modes: creation of the new record with the new key
and parsing of the existing one.
To generate new record with new key you should perform the following sequence of operations:
- Create TElDKDNSRecord class instance.
- Set KeyGranularityNotesTestMode properties values.
- Call CreatePublicKey method with necessary parameter.
(only dkRSA is available now).
- For RSA-keys call TSBDKRSAPublicKey(ElDKDNSRecord.PublicKey).Generate method with necessary parameters.
- Call Save method and get string that can be written to the DNS-server configuration.
- Save the private key received with help of Generate method in any way.
- Delete the instance.
To generate record for the key revocation you should perform the following sequence of operations:
- Create TElDKDNSRecord class instance.
- Set KeyGranularityNotesTestMode properties values.
- Call CreatePublicKey method with necessary parameter
(only dkRSA is available now).
- For RSA-keys call TElDKDNSRecord.PublicKey.Revoke method with necessary parameters.
- Call Save method and get the string that can be written to the DNS-server configuration.
- Delete the instance.
To load DNS-record for signature verification you should perform the following sequence of operations:
- Create TElDKDNSRecord class instance.
- Call Load method passing the DNS-record as parameter.
- Verify the signature.
- Delete the instance.
Declared in
- Namespace: SBDomainKeys
- Assembly: SecureBlackbox.MIME
- Package: SecureBlackbox.MIME.jar
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