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TElDKDNSRecord class

Properties     Methods     Declared in     

This class incapsulates DNS-record.


    This class has two modes: creation of the new record with the new key and parsing of the existing one.

    To generate new record with new key you should perform the following sequence of operations:

  1. Create TElDKDNSRecord class instance.
  2. Set KeyGranularityNotesTestMode properties values.
  3. Call CreatePublicKey method with necessary parameter. (only dkRSA is available now).
  4. For RSA-keys call TSBDKRSAPublicKey(ElDKDNSRecord.PublicKey).Generate method with necessary parameters.
  5. Call Save method and get string that can be written to the DNS-server configuration.
  6. Save the private key received with help of Generate method in any way.
  7. Delete the instance.
    To generate record for the key revocation you should perform the following sequence of operations:
  1. Create TElDKDNSRecord class instance.
  2. Set KeyGranularityNotesTestMode properties values.
  3. Call CreatePublicKey method with necessary parameter (only dkRSA is available now).
  4. For RSA-keys call TElDKDNSRecord.PublicKey.Revoke method with necessary parameters.
  5. Call Save method and get the string that can be written to the DNS-server configuration.
  6. Delete the instance.
    To load DNS-record for signature verification you should perform the following sequence of operations:
  1. Create TElDKDNSRecord class instance.
  2. Call Load method passing the DNS-record as parameter.
  3. Verify the signature.
  4. Delete the instance.



Declared in

  • Namespace: SBDomainKeys
  • Assembly: SecureBlackbox.MIME
  • Unit: SBDomainKeys
  • Package: SecureBlackbox.MIME.jar
  • sbdomainkeys.h

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