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TElDomainKeysSigner class

Properties     Methods     Declared in     Licensing     


    This class is designed for e-mail message signing using DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail).
    To sign messages you should perform the following sequence of operations:

  1. Create an instance of SBDomainKeysSigner class.
  2. Set Canonicalization (obligatory) and HeaderFields (optional) properties values.
  3. Call ProcessHeader method passing message header as parameter. Perform the next step if it returns SB_DK_SIGNER_ERROR_SUCCESS and perform the last one otherwise.
  4. If the private key for domain specified in the Domain property is available perform the next step or perform the last one otherwise.
  5. Call SetPrivateKey method to load the private key. Perform the next step if this method returns True or the last step otherwise.
  6. Call ProcessBodyLine method for each line of the message body.
  7. Call Sign method. Perform the next step if it returns SB_DK_SIGNER_ERROR_SUCCESS or perform the last one otherwise.
  8. Insert strings received during the previous step before the message header.
  9. Call Reset and ClearPrivateKey methods in order to prepare for next message signing.



Declared in

  • Namespace: SBDomainKeys
  • Assembly: SecureBlackbox.MIME
  • Unit: SBDomainKeys
  • Package: SecureBlackbox.MIME.jar
  • sbdomainkeys.h


To use this class in the development and distribution of your software projects, you need to purchase one of the following licenses:

SecureBlackbox Professional, SecureBlackbox Standard

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