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TElFileCertStorage     See also     

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Adds the certificate to storage


    void Add(TElX509Certificate X509Certificate, bool CopyPrivateKey);

    Sub Add(ByVal X509Certificate As TElX509Certificate, ByVal CopyPrivateKey As Boolean)

    procedure Add(X509Certificate: TElX509Certificate; CopyPrivateKey: boolean = true);

    void Add(TElX509Certificate &X509Certificate, bool CopyPrivateKey);
    void Add(TElX509Certificate *X509Certificate, bool CopyPrivateKey);

    void Add(TElX509Certificate $X509Certificate, bool $CopyPrivateKey)

    void add(TElX509Certificate X509Certificate, boolean CopyPrivateKey);


  • X509Certificate - Certificate object, initialized by LoadFromBuffer method
  • CopyPrivateKey - specifies if certificate private key will be also added.
    Default value is True


    Use this method to add certificate to certificate store.

Note, that adding certificate using this method will not change the initial file, specified by FileName property. To save modified file, call SaveToFile method.

See also:     Remove    

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