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TElFileCertStorage     See also     

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Validates the certificate using certificate storage


    Function Validate(ByVal Certificate As TElX509Certificate, ByRef Reason As TSBCertificateValidityReason, ByVal CheckCACertDates As Boolean, ByVal ValidityMoment As DateTime) As TSBCertificateValidity
    Function Validate(ByVal Certificate As TElX509Certificate, ByRef Reason As TSBCertificateValidityReason, ByVal ValidityMoment As DateTime) As TSBCertificateValidity

    function Validate(Certificate : TElX509Certificate; var Reason : TSBCertificateValidityReason; ValidityMoment : TDateTime = 0) : TSBCertificateValidity;

    integer Validate(TElX509Certificate $Certificate, integer &$Reason, bool $CheckCACertDates, DateTime $ValidityMoment)
    integer Validate(TElX509Certificate $Certificate, integer &$Reason, DateTime $ValidityMoment)

    TElCertificateValidityInfo validate(TElX509Certificate Certificate, boolean CheckCACertDates, Date ValidityMoment);


  • Certificate - Certificate object, initialized by LoadFromBuffer method.
  • Validity - (out) certificate validity.
  • Reason - (out) certificate validity parameters.
  • ValidityMoment - Time to check validity period against. Default value of 0 means "check current moment".
  • CheckCACertDates - ...


Return value

    Returns the certificate validity status.

Possible values:


    Use this method to validate the server certificate. TElFileCertStorage validates the certificate using external file certificate storage specified by FileName property.

See also:     FileName    

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