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TElGOST2001KeyMaterial     See also     

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Loads the public part of the key.


    void LoadPublic(byte[] Buffer, int Index, int Size);
    void LoadPublic(System.IO.Stream Stream, int Count);

    Sub LoadPublic(ByVal Buffer As Byte(), ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal Size As Integer)
    Sub LoadPublic(ByVal Stream As System.IO.Stream, ByVal Count As Integer)

    procedure LoadPublic(Buffer : pointer; Size : integer);

    void LoadPublic(void * Buffer, int32_t Size);

    void LoadPublic(TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $Buffer, integer $Size)
    void LoadPublic(TStream $Stream, integer $Count)

    void loadPublic(byte[] Buffer, int Index, int Size);


  • Buffer - the buffer that stores the key material.
  • Index - the offset of the key material in the buffer.
  • Size - the length of key material in bytes.
  • Stream - ...
  • Count - ...


    Use this method to load the public part of the key.

See also:     Q     Load     LoadSecret     Save     SavePublic     SaveSecret     PublicKey     SecretKey    

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