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Fired when the error happens during the use of the GSS mechanism during SSH authentication.


    event TSBGSSErrorEvent OnError;
    delegate void TSBGSSErrorEvent(Object Sender, string Operation, uint MajorStatus, uint MinorStatus, string MajorErrorMsg, string MinorErrorMsg);

    Event OnError As TSBGSSErrorEvent
    Delegate Sub TSBGSSErrorEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Operation As String, ByVal MajorStatus As UInt32, ByVal MinorStatus As UInt32, ByVal MajorErrorMsg As String, ByVal MinorErrorMsg As String)

    property OnError : TSBGSSErrorEvent;
    TSBGSSErrorEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; const Operation : string; MajorStatus, MinorStatus : UInt32; const MajorErrorMsg, MinorErrorMsg : string) of object;

    void get_OnError(TSBGSSErrorEvent &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnError(TSBGSSErrorEvent pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TSBGSSErrorEvent)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, const char * pcOperation, int32_t szOperation, uint32_t MajorStatus, uint32_t MinorStatus, const char * pcMajorErrorMsg, int32_t szMajorErrorMsg, const char * pcMinorErrorMsg, int32_t szMinorErrorMsg);

    TSBGSSErrorEvent|callable|NULL get_OnError()
    void set_OnError(TSBGSSErrorEvent|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TSBGSSErrorEvent(TObject $Sender, string $Operation, integer $MajorStatus, integer $MinorStatus, string $MajorErrorMsg, string $MinorErrorMsg)

    not available


  • Operation - The name of the operation / method, that caused the error
  • MajorStatus - The major part of the GSS operation status, as returned by the operation implementation
  • MinorStatus - The minor part of the GSS operation status, as returned by the operation implementation
  • MajorErrorMsg - The text description of the major part of the GSS operation status, returned by the operation implementation
  • MinorErrorMsg - The text description of the minor part of the GSS operation status, returned by the operation implementation
  • szOperation - the length of pcOperation.
  • szMajorErrorMsg - the length of pcMajorErrorMsg.
  • szMinorErrorMsg - the length of pcMinorErrorMsg.
  • pcOperation - The name of the operation / method, that caused the error
  • pcMajorErrorMsg - The text description of the major part of the GSS operation status, returned by the operation implementation
  • pcMinorErrorMsg - The text description of the minor part of the GSS operation status, returned by the operation implementation


Use this event to handle possible errors of the GSS authentication.

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