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TElMailAddressList     See also     

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Deletes address group from the address list.


    void DeleteGroup(int Index);
    void DeleteGroup(string GroupName);

    Sub DeleteGroup(ByVal Index As Integer)
    Sub DeleteGroup(ByVal GroupName As String)

    procedure DeleteGroup(Index: LongInt);
    procedure DeleteGroup(const GroupName: TString);

    void DeleteGroup(int32_t Index);
    void DeleteGroup(const sb_u16string &GroupName);
    void DeleteGroup(const std::wstring &GroupName);

    void DeleteGroup(integer $Index)
    void DeleteGroup(string $GroupName)

    void deleteGroup(int Index);
    void deleteGroup(String GroupName);


  • Index - index of the group to be deleted in the address list.
  • GroupName - name of the group.


    Use this method to delete a group from the address list.

See also:     AddGroup     DeleteAddress    

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