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TElMessagePart     See also     

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Adds new part to the multipart part.


    TElMessagePart AddPart(TElMessagePart Part, bool bMakeCopy, int PartIndex);
    void AddPart(TElMessagePart Part);

    Function AddPart(ByVal Part As TElMessagePart, ByVal bMakeCopy As Boolean, ByVal PartIndex As Integer) As TElMessagePart
    Sub AddPart(ByVal Part As TElMessagePart)

    function AddPart(Part: TElMessagePart; bMakeCopy: Boolean; PartIndex: Integer = -1): TElMessagePart;
    procedure AddPart(Part: TElMessagePart);

    TElMessagePartHandle AddPart(TElMessagePart &Part, bool bMakeCopy, int32_t PartIndex);
    TElMessagePartHandle AddPart(TElMessagePart *Part, bool bMakeCopy, int32_t PartIndex);
    void AddPart(TElMessagePart &Part);
    void AddPart(TElMessagePart *Part);

    TElMessagePart AddPart(TElMessagePart $Part, bool $bMakeCopy, integer $PartIndex)
    void AddPart(TElMessagePart $Part)

    void addPart(TElMessagePart Part);
    TElMessagePart addPart(TElMessagePart Part, boolean bMakeCopy, int PartIndex);


  • Part - added part
  • bMakeCopy - determines if data will be copied at once:
    True - data will be copied;
    False - data will be cached and then loaded when it is necessary.
  • PartIndex - determines place where new part will be added.
    0 - new part will be inserted as the first one.
    -1 - part will be added as the last one.


    Use this method when you want to add one more part to the multipart part.

See also:     DeletePart     GetPart     PartsCount    

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