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TElMessagePart     See also     

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Specifies contents of "Content-Description" header field.


    string ContentDescription;

    Property ContentDescription As String

    property ContentDescription : TString;
    procedure SetContentDescription(const ContentDescription: TString; ClearParams: Boolean = False);

    void get_ContentDescription(sb_u16string &OutResult);
    void get_ContentDescription(std::wstring &OutResult);

    string get_ContentDescription()

    String getContentDescription();
    void setContentDescription(String AValue, boolean ClearParams);


  • ContentDescription - description of the contents.
  • ClearParams - determines if previously set field parameters are deleted.
    Default value - False.


    This header field is optional but ability to associate some descriptive information with a given body is often desirable. For example you can specify title of the image using this property.
     Note, this property is read-only. Use SetContentDescription method to set its value.

See also:     ContentID    

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