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TElOCSPServer     See also     

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This event is fired when certificates are needed to sign an OCSP response.


    event TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent OnSigningCertificatesNeeded;
    delegate void TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent(Object Sender, ref TElCustomCertStorage Certificates);

    Event OnSigningCertificatesNeeded As TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent
    Delegate Sub TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByRef Certificates As TElCustomCertStorage)

    property OnSigningCertificatesNeeded : TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent;
    TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; var Certificates : TElCustomCertStorage) of object;

    void get_OnSigningCertificatesNeeded(TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnSigningCertificatesNeeded(TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, TElCustomCertStorageHandle &Certificates);

    TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent|callable|NULL get_OnSigningCertificatesNeeded()
    void set_OnSigningCertificatesNeeded(TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent(TObject $Sender, TElCustomCertStorage &$Certificates)

    TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent getOnSigningCertificatesNeeded();
    void setOnSigningCertificatesNeeded(TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent Value);
    TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent.Callback OnSigningCertificatesNeeded = new TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEvent.Callback() {
        public TElCustomCertStorage TSBOCSPSigningCertificatesNeededEventCallback(TObject Sender) {


  • Certificates - handler should provide a collection of signing certificates via this parameter.


     This event is an alternative to providing a predefined set of certificates via SigningCertStorage. The event handler should return a descendant of TElCustomCertStorage (typically, TElMemoryCertStorage object) with the certificates that should be used for signing and should be included in the response. There should be one certificate with the private key accessible for signing (you can include more than one certificate with the privaete key, but only one will be used). To choose the certificates to be added to the storage and provide them to the server, you can inspect the value of RequestCertificates property.

Your code remains the owner of the storage object, so the object can be re-used, and your code should dispose of the storage when it is no longer needed. If you don't return the storage or it is not usable (no certificates included, etc.), ProcessRequest method returns with an error and doesn't return any response.

See also:     ProcessRequest     RequestCertificates     SigningCertStorage    

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