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TElPGPCustomPublicKey     See also     

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Verifies signature.


    Function Verify(ByVal PublicKey As TElPGPCustomPublicKey, ByVal User As TElPGPCustomUser, ByVal Signature As TElPGPSignature) As Boolean
    Function Verify(ByVal Key As TElPGPCustomPublicKey, ByVal Signature As TElPGPSignature) As Boolean
    Function Verify(ByVal HashFunction As TElHashFunction, ByVal Signature As TElPGPSignature) As Boolean
    Function Verify(ByVal Signature As TElPGPSignature) As Boolean
    Function Verify(ByVal SubjectSignature As TElPGPSignature, ByVal Signature As TElPGPSignature) As Boolean

    (1) function Verify(Signature : TElPGPSignature) : boolean;
    (2) function Verify(Key : TElPGPCustomPublicKey; Signature : TElPGPSignature) : boolean;
    (3) function Verify(SubjectSignature : TElPGPSignature; Signature : TElPGPSignature) : boolean;
    (4) function Verify(PublicKey : TElPGPCustomPublicKey; User : TElPGPCustomUser; Signature : TElPGPSignature) : boolean;
    (5) function Verify(HashFunction : TElHashFunction; Signature : TElPGPSignature) : boolean;


  • HashFunction -
  • Key - subkey to be verified
  • Signature - verification signature will be placed here
  • SubjectSignature - signature to be verified
  • PublicKey - some public key
  • User - the TElPGPUserIDor TElPGPUserAttr object that identifies the owner of the PublicKey

Return value

     True if the signature is correct,
     False otherwise


    Use this method to verify different kinds of signatures.

    (1) Verifies standalone signature. Standalone signatures are used rarely due to their low security level.

    (2) Verifies a subkey/primary key binding signature. This kind of signature is usually used either to bind a subkey to a parent key, or to countersign the existing public key.

    (3) Verifies a countersignature over existing signature.

    (4) Verifies certification signature. Certification signatures are used to bind user information (such as e-mail address or photo) to his public key.

    (5) …

See also:     DirectVerify     RevocationVerify     DirectRevocationVerify    

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