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TElPreSharedKeySSLExtension     See also     

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    not available

    not available

    function AddIdentity : integer; overload;
    function AddIdentity(const Identity : ByteArray; const PreSharedKey : ByteArray; const Binder : ByteArray; ObfuscatedTicketAge : cardinal; HashAlgorithm : integer; CipherSuite : TSBCipherSuite; ResumptionPSK : boolean) : integer; overload;

    int32_t AddIdentity();
    int32_t AddIdentity(const std::vector<uint8_t> &Identity, const std::vector<uint8_t> &PreSharedKey, const std::vector<uint8_t> &Binder, uint32_t ObfuscatedTicketAge, int32_t HashAlgorithm, uint8_t CipherSuite, bool ResumptionPSK);

    integer AddIdentity()
    integer AddIdentity(array of byte|string|NULL $Identity, array of byte|string|NULL $PreSharedKey, array of byte|string|NULL $Binder, integer $ObfuscatedTicketAge, integer $HashAlgorithm, integer $CipherSuite, bool $ResumptionPSK)

    not available


  • Identity -
  • PreSharedKey -
  • Binder -
  • ObfuscatedTicketAge -
  • HashAlgorithm -
  • CipherSuite -
  • ResumptionPSK -

Return value



    This topic is under development.

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